** Chief WITCH **
I suppose I ought to try it before knocking it. I just made our breakfast galettes for our Sunday morning scrambled egg, smoked salmon and galette breakfast. Yum. Waiting for Southampton on MOTD before making breakfast
I couldn't resist having a peek at the scales this morning (are you seeing a pattern forming again aaaaah!). So two weeks Dukan and down from 85.1 to 79.9K. Now the real slog will commence (and I have an awkward lunch on Friday... at a Japanese restaurant. Can I eat sashimi without rice? hmm... (and, if I do, will I be full?!))
To be honest, as the timing and speed of my walk is more oriented to traffic than my legs, once I've figured out the length and optimum speed for each route I take, I'll give it a rest as I do find it stressful! I daren't stop at the cashpoint even!
Food A-OK so all should be well in my garden BUT my weigh in was not good. Absolutely identical to last Friday's (yes I know we're Thursday but I'm moving official weigh in to Thursdays cos Wed is always PP and Thursday is usually restaurant!). I'm mystified as I can't think of any reason why this would happen at such an early stage in the diet, and I'm not even going to let my mind wonder whether this is one restart too many just yet, but on the positive side my clothes are better and I feel slimmer... so be it.