Sarah - when you do the Dukan true weight thing, what weight do you put as the weight where you can maintain without too much effort? that's where I have a problem as I never stay two weeks running at any weight! haaa! I do always bounce back up to 75-80K as soon as I take the eye off the ball, mind...
OK my news - I'm off to the country for a long weekend tonight. Tomorrow, I have three appointments:
- we have a log delivery first thing... (as a city girl, the first time I ordered logs, I was surprised that they don't bring them in and stack them neatly for you... oh no, they press a button on their pick up truck, and loads of logs tumble onto the ground for you to pick up and carry to their final destination!)
- then <chim chimney chim chim cheroooo> is coming to do his thing... No need for me to mention what a disappointment he was the first time I saw him... Nothing like in the films!
- then the boiler gets its annual service too.
Expensive maintenance day.
Friday, we're driving to the Jura region for the day to visit my friend who lost her partner suddenly three weeks ago. She's some stuff she needs a (physical) hand with, and I'll be bringing Dukan food for me while she and OH eat the delights she always provides.
Otherwise, a normal weekend.
I'm just munching a peculiar PP breakfast... digesting the fact that I've just heard that my Nana has had a massive stroke and is in hospital, but that there's no point in my coming over... (oh and I'm not to tell my sister cos she's on holiday and ditto re not coming home)...
Just keep that protein coming...