Hello my lovely...
As most of you know, I always have a lot to say for myself... except in my own diary. My own diary means turning my thoughts towards myself, and my food, and usually that's pretty scarey!
One thing I ought to record is how dreadfully hungry I was AFTER eating lunch out yesterday. I know I didn't have the nibbles, bread or potato my friend had with her meal but my lunches normally fill me up well with I cater them. <So I'm probably still overcatering.>
Another thing is that I realise that I don't feel (or, dare I say it, look) too bad at this current weight. Probably because I'm at it "on the way down", if you get my meaning, rather than the way up. I am however pretty firmly stuck here as per. 70-71K is where I usually stick these days. Might that be my "true weight"? (Or might I need to change something on my diet?)
Irrespective, all is well in my world. Four weeks tomorrow until UK holiday... and I've two lunches out next week (Thurs with boss lady who is instructed to order me an omelette and salad and a coffee!! and Fri, hopefully meeting Scrumps... maybe lunch, maybe coffee? will depend on her so I'll bring tupperwares of joy with me to the office in case.)
Other news - sister back from holiday and (phew) still speaking to me. I was sworn to silence by our father ref my Nana, and wasn't happy with that but was on a losing horse either way, so glad she understands!
Oh and hasn't my hair grown