Not you specifically Anja no, please don't think that... and your response, for 99.9% was spot on.
Just that I'm so anxious at having to avoid all social situations (because of my subsequent behaviour) that the thought of a time being "normal" is still appealing although I know deep down that "normality" is unlikely, and once the flood gates open... I wish I could turn my head off and just go with the flow, but I've done that before!
So with those flood gates in mind, I decided to stay in ketosis as long as possible. Easter Sat., no worries. Easter Sun., my sister's helpful so no worries. BUT last night I learned that, while yes my sister is going to prepare a Dukan friendly Jo salmon + veg meal, my father and girlfriend, also invited, have asked that lunch be early as they've a cricket match to attend <roll eyes emoticon>
Fine, I thought. This is normal family life, fitting in with other people to suit everyone.
Then I learned the time of the feast. Hot roast lunch will be served at 11.30am. (WHAT? Is it just me?) Obviously not, because now OH has now refused to go! (I was all for going and watching them eat and having mine microwaved hot later!! But he says no way is he eating at that time, or watching others eat).
Can you credit it? The best laid plans and all... sooooo we said we'd cry off, so sister's obviously upset, so I was given the job of ringing Dad and telling HIM 11.30am was no good! Offend another person? Why not. Bring it on! ho ho!