Hello! Actually, the silence now reigning in our office is far less strained that the previous atmosphere, so I'm fine with it. Sooner that than the hypocrisy which preceded it anyway!
Seeing the BEAUTIFUL weather this morning, and feeling much "better" in my head, I set out for a very long stomp this morning, alongside the Seine, and walked for 1hr10! Loved it. T'was a shame to have to come indoors to work.
The meeting yesterday went as feared and my 97 year old Nana will be discharged back to her own flat (once care package readjusted). It's not going to be easy to organise (family has to do this bit since it has to be private - the NHS is offering nothing) as one needs a fob to get in the complex (or there's an interphone system, but she doesn't let people in who buzz, even us, even before this stroke...), so having a third (private) care visit per day is hard and means a 3rd stranger each day. My father's overwhelmed by it all and isn't sounding healthy himself - nearly 80, heart condition recently diagnosed, and lung problem too... aaaah! Still, it'll all be sorted before I arrive and I have promised (myself and them) not to get bossy and try to "organise them", cos they hate that! As the absent family member, it's hard to suggest things (like that they schedule their own visits a little more intelligently - a bit of communication between them, if you like!!). Anyway, the long and short of it is that, even if the oldie is having to pay herself, family still can't opt for a safe secure option like a residential home IF the person says "nay". (They must have caught her at a good moment to have her say no to the right question! grrr!).
Much as we know it's what she'd have wanted (to go home, even though she wants to return to ANOTHER 50 years previous house), next time she mightn't be found as quickly as this...
Still... the sun is shining and I'm fit, healthy and well.