IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I know - they do seem to care more.
strange numbers Jo thats fab....ive given you the fairy x
I know - they do seem to care more.
strange numbers Jo thats fab....ive given you the fairy x

The care because you PAY... at the point of service. Just like the dentist here is quite happy to call you in every 6months but your GP doesn't...

So both systems have advantages and disadvantages although I'd quite like to be able to see a Gynae and not a GP at times etc etc!!
I've never done an online shop in my life! haaaa!

Ah I wanted to add - decide who you trust to do better picking, your Dad or Tesco minions. I have sent my parents shopping (in a supermarket strange to them), armed with a list I compiled and printed for them using Mysupermarket.com. So everything was specified, including brand and pack size (including the one I got wrong ;-) ) and they just stuck to it, and rang me for substitutions where things were not available.
But of course you could also make a list using tesco.com directly as you know which Tesco your Dad will be going to.
Like Vicky when I order online I leave notes about substitutions etc and I find them pretty good.
Yes we pay for the privilege, it's true. €70 last night, plus €25 for the smear (you leave with your petri dish!). €180 for the scan recently. A further €150 no doubt to come for mammo. €10 a month for the pill. (We are reimbursed a bit, but have to have private health insurance else bankruptcy assured!)

My sister went to the 24hr Tesco yesterday - the person on customer services had no idea re Easter opening hours, tried to find out, gave up, so my sister rang them this morning and was told that "it's not been fixed yet." Easter? or Opening hours?!!

The trouble is that I don't know the products / brands etc myself. My other half insists we are going with the hordes on Saturday morning, on no sleep, if worst comes to worst, cos he wants to choose his bread and stuffs himself! (Can't say as I blame him, cos I too prefer to see what I'm ordering in the fresh aisles...)

Oh and it rained on Scrumps' head yesterday afternoon, and it's grim yet warm today... 23°C planned for Saturday though!
A little word in my diary cos I'm really busy this morning (work and perso) AND I've a restaurant lunch in 10 mins... so I didn't want to not speak all morning...
Hello, have a nice lunch!
Hi Jo - hope everything ok personal!
And enjoy your lunch x
Hello Diary... (and friends!),
I went to a lovely restaurant with many tempting possibilities (and their dishes of the day sounded wonderful when the garçon described them at length, grrr!).

I had: diet coke, mushroom omelette and undressed green salad, followed by coffee. I even encouraged my boss to have dessert, and had no problem giving her the chocolate which came with my coffee (but was "a little distressed" at her leaving it on the table when we left!!).

Going beforehand to check out the menu (and brainwash myself) worked wonders. I am now going to have a yoghurt, and I have chicken to hand in case! (Won't work for lunch with Scrumps maybe tomorrow though cos blooming expensive!)

I've been researching Kindles this morning and other half and I have decided to buy each other one for our birthdays (both Taureans, so both coming up!). Strangely enough though, Amazon UK doesn't deliver to France so have to order from Amazon US (still avoiding annoying family members with deliveries from postmen who hide behind trees until they see you going out to deliver the card to you!!)

Normally, Thursday is ALWAYS PP for me, prior to weigh in tomorrow. But with today's lunch, it's a PV tonight too, so weigh in is today.

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Well done on your lunch control! I love my e reader so I'm sure you will enjoy your Kindle. I have the ereader instead of the Kindle because it means that I can borrow library books for it for free, whereas the Kindle isn't compatible!!! - but of course that isn't a consideration for you!

Hope you have a lovel meet up with
Tan tomorrow - it seems an awfully long time to do Disney for!! We were talking about holidays last night and OH was talking about dricing across to France and doing some parks and stuff and spending a little time in Pairs, as the kids have never been to the City - so watch this space.

Oh and ps you know I adore my cats and I wouldn't really eat them:eek:
I hope I get to meet Tan (tried texting her hubby but no answer yet).
I agree with you re Disney - far too long! and the poor things have had rotten weather except the first day and a half!
oooh you too! happy weekend! Scorcher here on Saturday - summery even!
well done on lunch Jo, am impressed!

Mouse, how does it work borrowing library ebooks? are there restrictions? I borrow loads from the library, mainly because I read so much I can't afford to pay for all the books I read, it would cost me a fortune. I would like some kind of ereader but didn't know about library borrowing on them.
well done on lunch Jo, am impressed!

Mouse, how does it work borrowing library ebooks? are there restrictions? I borrow loads from the library, mainly because I read so much I can't afford to pay for all the books I read, it would cost me a fortune. I would like some kind of ereader but didn't know about library borrowing on them.

Hi Emm you need to look on your library web site and see if they lend out ebooks. Hampshire do it
Hampshire Digital Library
They say it is free for a trial period but I have been borrowing them for free for about 2 years now. You just put your libarary card number in and download the book onto your pc and then your reader. It disappears from your reader after 2 weeks! I think you have to live on Hampshire to join the library but your own library may do it. However they use Overdrive software and the books are not compatible with the Kindle, so I have a Sony Ereader. Our library publishes a list of compatible devices and you can just read the books on your laptop.
aaah Hampshire... :D

Ladies - I was scared of a potential bad weigh in today, after a PV day yesterday (I always PP Thursdays before weighing in), so I "weighed in" yesterday as you know :D

Well, I felt slim this morning, so popped on for a double check and :D :D :D

I'm a bit nervous about today's potential meet with Scrumps and woke a couple of times in the night! I know I don't come across as shy, but... at first at least aaah!

Right books - Emma - we are avid Book Moochers. Ever heard of it? Excellent system. You pass on your books (you pay p+p) to other moochers, and gain points for so doing (more points for overseas mailngs). In turn, you then spend your points in requesting books from other moochers, who mail them to you (at their charge). We've been doing it for several years.
BookMooch: trade your books with other people

Did I mention I'm back in my size 12 jeans :D
<grinning wildly here given that it's silly o'clock still>
Fab weigh in, Jo. Seriously brilliant:D.

That book thing looks good, don't think anyone would want my books in English (I buy one now and again to keep my English spelling decent) as I read them in the bath (the only place guaranteed to get peace in the evening as long as I remember to lock the door) so they are a bit water damaged and I keep them in case (in the future) any of my offspring decide that reading in English as a hobby could possibly be a good thing.

Big hi to Tania when you see her - wish I was coming.