Excellent BE... and were you two people who would have been attacted to one another had you met in more normal circumstances, do you think? (I'll elaborate...).
I too met my other half online - again not in a dating site - we used to even spend hours playing online Scrabble. We however were never "meant" to meet, and never would have hooked up in the "real world"; never dreaming we actually would, neither of us had been ahem entirely honest (me weight, him age), and so the whole internet connection took away those potential issues.
We're coming up for 8 years in August - it took us 1.5 years to meet in real life, but a month to change our lives and get together full time (awhhhh!).
sooo... a strange evening for me, mainly spent at the hairdresser's, and I just had time to get home, have a nibble and a drink, prepare food for today and I was in bed! Lovely "go to bed" hair
-100g this week, but I don't even blame the late (Dukan) nibbling because the weight has been stable all week which is fine.
Nana's new (3 visits a day) private care package will be up and running by Monday, when she will be discharged (despite the hospital ringing yesterday wanting to free the bed up...). She'll be pleased to get home, I'm sure, even though she's "fed up with this life", she says...
Walk to work as usual - another glorious day forecast - and GP tonight. How much more of this excitement can a girl take?! City weekend coming up!