IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Good to have you back - even if in fact you are too busy for this place at the moment. Hope it's going okay at work!

Looks like the trip went really well - that one day derailed by helpful comments won't have done much damage I'm sure. It's hard not to react when people make comments, sometime just to make conversation, and don't actually realise they're hurting by doing it! Next time you'll be able to rise above it. I suppose 'ha ha yes I am' would have been the right response that time ;-) but I only ever think of these after the event...

Anyway - I just wanted to say hello!
Hello Anja - I've run so many "other" suitable responses through my head since, it's untrue! He could have commented on my hair, my face, anything... but my eating habits. And he should know this IMHO.

What a complicated creature I am...

Nearly holiday Anja! Lovely weather here in France - particularly after a chilly Sun and Mon in England!!
hey Jo - glad you are back. Well done on being as good as you were and I hope the funeral wasnt too hard.
Bah humbug to your dads comments...twinnies, my dads throwaway comments made me have this unhealthy obsession with my weight.
that cake sounds divine - anyone take a piccie???

How is work - any news on what will be happening?
I finished the cake last night... I'll have to ask Mouse how she makes it. It's a one day oatbran confection, baked in a victoria sandwich tin, cut in half and sandwiched together with quark. I sensed some cinammon. And some gojis. Delicious!

I'm on tenderhooks... No news. I've not a lot to do which is why I'm making myself busy! Helping others. Tidying and retidying. It's easy having nothing to do when you work for plenty of people, just that no one's giving you anything. But harder when you're actually hmm... at a loss.
OK I haven't told you about my morning. I dressed in white trousers, seeing the sun outside, and just before leaving for work saw the weather forecast (26°C) so returned to my bedroom and slipped a skirt on. A very unusual occurrence.

I then did my usual speedwalk to work... dashing across roads, parks, intent on my goal. Getting to work as fast as possible. 10 mins from the office, racing round a corner, my Reeboked feet encountered water where the people had washed the pavement in front of the cafe, lost adherence, and I started skidding. I knew I was falling, but was helpless. SHPLAFF. I hit the floor... felt the damp. Got up quickly, with the assistance of THREE people (who said Parisians were rude?!). One told me to note down the circumstances, and the exact address of the cafe, and get some witnesses as they should have cleared excess water away... but I couldn't speak, cos bottom lip was wobbling, so I merely thanked everyone and limped away... wet mud clinging to my right leg, my right hand, knee and elbow bleeding...

but, wait for it, my clothes completely clean!

So if ever you're tempted to change white trousers for a skirt, DO IT. It's a sign. You're gonna fall over in a puddle and legs can be washed!

(and my hand hurts, and my right boob/rib too!)
Oh Jo, that's a rubbish story! I'm sorry - feel so bad for you! Hope you've not bruised yourself, but am very glad your clothes escaped unscathed - tis a sign that skirts are clearly the way forward :)
Oh Jo - big hugs (but not so hard as to hurt your ribs) wow the white trousers would have been a disaster!
Morning Love - glad you have had a titter at tickles tackle this morning ;)

I Posted on Brens wall on facebook and she said she is doing well and is looking forward to Vietnam and will be back on after then xx
The Fates have obviously been kind to you wardrobe-wise, Jo, but that must have really hurt - ouch!

I do have a pair of white trousers but never wear them as I'm far too clumsy. The only thing that stays white on me is my awful pasty skin!
I struggle to wear white - I am like a messy clumsy child so I would never wear white trousers and struggle with anything light coloured really!! I can just about manage a white top and sometimes stay looking presentable:D
Thanks Vicky for that update on Bren - I'll post it in the daily chat for Vickki... I know she was having some serious health issues, so her disappearance was more worrying than the usual ones. ;)

Cream trousers today... and I didn't fall over once! (and I tiptoed for the last 10 mins' walk as, again, the darned green "sh*tmobiles" - as I call them - had been past spraying the pavements liberally with water!).

Ribs hurt :( but only when I cough (or try to use my right arm!)

<cue sympathy!>
Much sympathy! I do hope you just bruised them though? I cracked some once when tumbling over at speed (I was running DOWN an uneven path - don't ask!) and that was when coughing, laughing etc was rather painful for a while.

White - I have two sz16 white summer trousers and they look(ed) fab, but have not yet managed to replace them: cheap versions tend to be a bit too thin and I'd rather not display details of my undies ;-) Maybe next year...
I can't see any external bruising, and nothing seems to be broken(!) or I'd know it, so I'm presuming it's just an internal jolt caused by falling at speed onto my right arm... (and I'm a bit skinny around my rib cage/boob area...). I'm figuring it'll sort itself out since I'm not in agony.

As for undies, I'm reliably informed that skin colour is the way to go... so I bought some at lovely M&S.
As for undies, I'm reliably informed that skin colour is the way to go... so I bought some at lovely M&S.

Ahh OF COURSE - yes stupid me, that really never occurred to me!! I'm a black or white girl really, with a bit of colour thrown in when I can find it in the right size!

Glad to hear you're in one piece!
morning hun xxx hope you not too bruised and life not too hard on you at the moment
We're going to book our accomodation for our hol tonight Jo. I have managed tog et my way and talk OH out of hotels and into gites (far easier for me in terms of food). We are going to stay about 30km from Versailles for a week and will get the train into the city a couple of times and then we are staying near Tours.