Just a quickie to let you know that I'm back... and awake (but felt rather "jet lagged" this morning!
My long weekend was good... but short on sleep! Saturday, I met Mouse (who'd baked me a quark filled Dukan victoria sandwich cake - YUM and thank you! it helped me no end! The eggs were delicious too - the yolks so yellow.) My sister loved you too (as of course do I) and we must do it again! I stuck to PP on Saturday.
Sunday, I had a tantrum at the breakfast table when my father innocently queried whether I was really going to eat "all that" (my Dukan muffins) when we were going out for fish and chip lunch. I basically told him he'd given me my eating disorder with his stupid throwaway comments and to get off my case! I then wanted to cry because he'd managed to make me feel GREEDY that I could want to eat fish+chips three hours after eating ALL THOSE muffins! grrr! Still, I walked the 7.5km to the restaurant - but he'd spoiled the event for me, and I ate the rest of the day (strawberries, cream + meringues planned... and a second lot (unplanned) and some biscuits late on.
Monday I managed to PP through the 4 hour drive to the funeral... diet coke and a chicken leg at the wake...; and a lot of salmon, beef, eggs etc throughout the LONG journey back here.
PP again today. Damage? I'm feeling tummy podge there where there wasn't on Friday when I left. But I did the best I could.
Note to self: when people make comments to me, I don't hear them as they are intended so it's MY problem rather than theirs. I must rise above it and simply respond "yes I'm a pig" or whatever they want to hear rather than torment myself forever after and then not enjoy a planned treat.
Delighted to see Grovergirl is back - lovely surprise for me!
Tomorrow - back at work and boss will have left. Won't be around until lunchtime I shouldn't think.