'If not now, WHEN?'

Oh no I wrote out a long message earlier and its gone :cry: hope it didnt go in some else's diary lol:confused:

I can remember going to SW and all discussing which take away we were going to after jumping on the scales.

PS Changed the pic from the mice - don't want to put off the folks who kindly read!
love the cat:D
Thanks for all the messages ladies and feedback. Sorry not been on today - I was at my local hosp for two minor ops and they told me I couldn't eat today! Ha ha it was a DD - perfect! :D

They then wanted me to eat when I came back from theatre... sarnis, yoghurt, biscuits etc. I don't think so! :eek: So shoved down a couple of digestives to satisfy the post-op food police and a salad when I got home tonight. Feel a bit wiped out so will have an early night. I will check in on your diaries first I think. More in the next day or so.
Hoe, I hope things are going well for you today.
Hi hoe. Hope you are ok after the ops. Good for you in not eating more, a couple of biscuits is great going. Hope today goes well
Thanks Miss JT. Today will be a DD hopefully. I kind of changed things around end of last week as I had a girls night last night and wanted to eat in abandon. I now have to ignore the remains of the Banoffee in the fridge or give it away and save a piece for myself to enjoy tomorrow!

Had a 'Psychic' evening for four of my friends where we had a visiting palmist/tarot reader, a healer and a clairvoyant who was mad as a box of frogs! It was so entertaining, tarot interesting, healing excellent and clairvoyant hilarious. My friends plied himm with red wine and he got ever more eccentric. Good evening, good folk and lovely food!

A few hours later..... I just gave in to the Banoffee Pie but feel very full. Guess my hopes of a DD became a MD but think that's okay for a weekend. :break_diet:
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One UD and one MD - just cannot seem to do DDs at the weekend! Oh well Monday again tomorrow thank goodness. DD for sure!
Good luck for your dd today, I'm on a dd today too :)
Successful DD. 1 choccy biscuit and a corned beef salad plus milk in tea and coffee - estimate about 400 cals. Have to have my dressings on the salad so a lot of empty calories no doubt but we gotta do what gets us through! Wasn't hungry in the evening and not hungry this morning so no probs. Have a great day everyone.
Well done Hoe, sounds like a great day :) Have a great day today :D
Good Morning, Hoe
Hope you have a Wonderful day.
Just wanted to say HEY! :D
Wow I love this diet... er eating plan! I have even lost weight after an UD!! That is just mad. I eat whatever I fancied, even crisps and a large glass of Baileys! Whooaaa! Does that ever give me motivation for today a DD. Hope you're all doing well. Wasn't that fantastic the Daily Mail write up. I have emailed it to so many of my friends and colleagues. Have a great day y'all!
Wow that's fab Hoe, well done there!
Strange stayed the same WI after a perfect DD but that is how it goes - some days just don't do what you expect. That's the downside of weighing every day but I know by Saturday I should see another loss again. Sometimes I think I don't eat enough on UDs and I think that could be important to maintain the metabolism at a normal rate to stop it dropping. Also fluid has an impact for sure. Oh well UD for me today and the shortbread biccy tastes gorgeous with this coffee!
Shortbread!!! Yummy :drool:
Hmmmm no change again today after a good DD and UD. So today a very strict 350 cal DD to try to shift those scales tomorow. I wonder if I am similar to BrightAngel and need far less cals than the websites tell us. I do little exercise (not that I have found that helped either in the past) but perhaps need to reduce the cals further on both days.

I think perhaps I have been going closer to 450 cals on DDs and this may be too much for me. Also will try to eat more protein today I think - too many carbs I expect. Hope you're all doing okay... off to check in with you all.
Hmmmm no change again today after a good DD and UD. So today a very strict 350 cal DD to try to shift those scales tomorow.
It will come off hun and you might have a nice surprise tomorrow. If you are thinking about reducing your calories I would take them off an UD rather than a DD because at the end of the week they all balance out. Keep going though your doing well