'If not now, WHEN?'

Thanks Sorus for taking the time to write. Yes we all need to do whatever works and for how long. I think there is so much more science to this than we first think. It should be basic bugetting in reverse - take in less than you spend. But there is so much more to being human and trying to lose weight. It's not just physiological but psychological and for me that is the main battle. JUDDDing seems to tick that box - I can diet a day at a time (I think anyone can) and it works beautifully. Thanks again.
My pleasure. And thank you for enlightening me about JUDDDING - and in such an amusing way! I agree - the process of metabolism and weight loss/storage is so much more than a simple calories in calories out thing, I'm convinced. And that's before you add in the psychological component!
How come that it really does take a week of saving 7000 calories to lose 2lbs but eat just 'normal-ish' for two days and 1.5lbs goes straight back on! There is no way I eat an EXTRA 5000 cals. :confused:
Dont worry too much as it will just be water/salt weight and will even out after another DD. Oh just seen further down it has well done:D
One thing that was very disappointing was 4 people I have not seen in weeks did not notice I had lost any weight. That was SO disheartening. I told them about the diet and they asked if it had worked!!!
I think sometimes people dont want to see you have lost weight :rolleyes: especially if they are batteling to keep it off. You have done so well and as long as you know it's going thats all that matters. You might find another few lbs and everyone does notice.:D Hope you have a good day and keep it up x
Thanks Miss JT yes it would be self defeating to dive into the biscuit tin to spite them! I also still have more front than Margate so that tends to divert the eye and make everyone think you are still very well upholstered! Had a very UD yesterday and having a DD today. Just so many bloomin Xmas things getting in the way and lots of baking to do. In some ways it's nice to have mini targets to aim for like mas but it's no great shakes - just carry on right after.
Hoe, I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks for messages. I have some catching up to do!

I had a couple of high MDs (for me) at home and seemed to go up again by a pound. I have just been to Vienna with work for two days and was steely strong even with roasted chestnuts and gluvine at the Christmas market! I even avoided a huge chocolate cake. The result is I am now down one more pound so that at least pleases me. Almost at a stone with JUDDD - have to keep it up and do 2-3 more before Xmas.
Oh I am achingly close to 1 stone! I lost another half a pound overnight but will not log it until it is officially and clearly one whole pound. I am today faced with 56 homemade sauage rolls and 60 mince pies due to having the neighbours round. I have swallowed the best part of 1 litre of Poinsettia - Nigella's Proseco concoction and it's going down a treat! Am in between visitors dropping in right now but already Christmas feels better this year thanks to JUDDD.... God bless Dr Johnson!
Yes Yes Yes! Finally hit the one stone!:bliss::bliss::bliss:
Goodness knows how as I eat enough sausage rolls yesterday to sink a battleship... but hey if that's what the scales say then I'll take it.
:D:D:D Thats fantastic:happy096: Not bad for only dieting half the time!

Thank you and it is so motivating to see some success and really spurs you on to keep going but it was so hard in the early days. I sympathise so much with people who have stones and stones to lose. Even I can only just notice clothes feeling bigger and no one yet has even commented...noticebly the very people who themselves would like to lose a bit!

But I know it's working and the scales reflect it and I really feel like I have done the worst bit until and if I plateau... don't know if you do plateau so much on JUDDD. It is so tempting to not eat on UDs too but I realise that will defeat the object both mentally and physically for metabolic rate etc. Hope you're doing okay again now Miss JT.
Good Luck, Hoe
Hope you're doing okay again now Miss JT.
Im stuck at the moment. I have my CD packs but keep wasting them by being good all day then pigging out at night. My heads not in the right place so have come back to juddd until christmas.
You seem really motivated ans losing a stone is fantastic. Please give me a boot up the backside:rolleyes:
You seem really motivated ans losing a stone is fantastic. Please give me a boot up the backside:rolleyes:

:asskick: Ok there you go as wished! But all of us are only ever a moment away from the evening binge, me included so I shouldn't really be booting you! Had a bit of a mini binge myself last night too...the sausage rolls are SOOOOO good. It was an official UD so not so bad.

I am trying to view it as one week till we let loose a fair bit and try to gain some loss (if you know what I mean) to counter that. It is still hard. I am not so much thinking of alternate days to have whatever I want, I am thinking more long term - thinking that over Christmas I can eat all those lovely things and so trying to be 'good' now even on UDs apart from last night. I know what you mean about wasting the CD - I feel the same on a DD when I blow it, it's like all the efforst has been wasted.
So DD yesterday and today was supposed to be an UD but I left my purse at home on a train trip to Manchester! I raided the car emergency fund for the ticket to London and had £4.50 for my entire day. Could not afford a paper or a wee at the station (!) only a coffee and biscuit and enough for a packet of crisps on the way home. The kind trolley man let me off the last 20p and let me have a bottle of water too, bless him. Life on the breadline! So now I am home I have kept it as a high DD - about 600 cals I think. Should leave my purse behind more often!
Having a DD today and trying hard (and succeeding so far) to avoid the mince pies and Quality Street. Work is going pear shaped this week and, in particular, today. Don't know about food - I may take to drink.
Well I seem to be having a few VLCD in a row and have dropped one more pound so it's a very motivitating non-viscious circle! But I know I can turn them into an UD if I wish as I am entitled to! Yesterday evening I did not manage to resist the Quality Street but instead of eating half a tin (as usually) I had four of my absolute favourites and enjoyed every one. I know next week it will be hard to JUDDD as I will be visiting with relatives and should be enjoying Christmas so if I can pack in a few low days now then I will feel better about that.

Anyway we are snowed in here again today and the postman struggled through but said don't go out. So I am gonna light the fire and catch up on emails and reading. :)
Wishing you a great weekend.
:xmastree: Probably won't be on much over Xmas like y'all.

So wishing everyone here a lovely Christmas and New Year and for those with sadness in their lives at this time I wish you strength, peace and hope and a better year to come. Hoe.
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