Hi there new members and old ..... kinda have been neglecting logging on to the site in the last 2 weeks which wasn't helped by an internet access problem .... but thats now sorted & I'm back!!!
Just a note to wish all you new members the very very BEST OF LUCK. One of the best helps to me through the diet was .. this fantastic forum and all the great people who log on, post & share their thoughts and experiences ..... I hope you find it as beneficial as I did.:thankyou::thankyou::thankyou:
I think the key to the diet is drink plenty & I mean PLENTY of water ..... it will help with the odd side effects of headaches and fatigue. First week is the hardest for the newbies, but please don't let this put you off ....... once you get over that wee hurdle, you will be sailing the rest of the way. There is no better confidence boost than getting up on those scales and seeing a weight loss and then the feeling of your clothes getting looser and looser .... WOW ..... so KEEP GOING!!! :wow::wow::wow:
I'm on 'maintenance' now for my third week and its going very well. I do admit that I have missed getting weighed over the last 2 weeks so even though I'm sticking fairly well enough to maintenance, I may have 'lapsed' just a bit, but to be honest, I feel I have been quite good & even getting very creative with my cooking (first for me!).
Hi Athmosphere & Nicolas ... how are ye guys getting on now???
Best of luck to everyone, new & old .....