If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Good luck with weigh in honey, looking forward to seeing the update later xx
I am a bit late Serena, but good luck with your weigh in today.
Good Afternoon Sweeties

I've been to WI and got a STS :-(

Yes I know I should be pleased as its not a gain but I had hoped that after only 2 days of medication it would not have affected me yet :-(

My Consultant has annoyed me if I'm honest. She's now recommending only 5 Syns per day when a fortnight ago she told me to use 9-10!!!! Plus she's told me to expect a gain next week because I'm changing from morning to evening meeting, deep joy!

I really don't know what I'm doing anymore!

Sorry to be miserable after all your lovely messages, just feeling a bit down hearted.

Love Serena x
Could you go to another class with a different consultant Hun, they should not make you feel like that x
Could you go to another class with a different consultant Hun, they should not make you feel like that x

I was recommended to go to this one as the other one in my town is apparently really overweight and patronising with it! Can't say my one is proving to be any better!!!! X
Not sure what to suggest. Try and remember the progress you have made with food if not on the scales and work out how you can move forward in a way that won't jeopardise that but will hopefully move the scales too x Big hugs x

Thank you for your hugs sweetie, think I need them today! X
Good Afternoon Sweeties

I've been to WI and got a STS :-(

Yes I know I should be pleased as its not a gain but I had hoped that after only 2 days of medication it would not have affected me yet :-(

My Consultant has annoyed me if I'm honest. She's now recommending only 5 Syns per day when a fortnight ago she told me to use 9-10!!!! Plus she's told me to expect a gain next week because I'm changing from morning to evening meeting, deep joy!

I really don't know what I'm doing anymore!

Sorry to be miserable after all your lovely messages, just feeling a bit down hearted.

Love Serena x

Oh hun, wish I was there to give you a big hug xxx

I want to slap the consultant for being horrible to our lovely Serena!

My friend was on steroids and she struggled at first but after a short while her body adjusted and the weight started coming off again.

Forgot going down to 5 syns, do another week and see how you feel

Sending positives thoughts and comfort xx
I agree with Claire steroids and water retention it will balance out you know what usually works just go with that whilst your body is working out how to go forward with the steroids being involved - your food plans are good so it will catch up with you in a good way soon x x
Sorry you sts Serena and that your consultant is not so helpful. Keep trying hun and if you don't like the meeting and you don't want to go to other local one why not try online? Just a thought xx
Hi Serena, sorry your weigh in didn't go how you wanted but a sts is better than a gain and maybe the stress of your eye etc made u retain fluid. Also some people when they use their syns on alcohol have slower losses. It's all a guessing game really to find out what works for you. Enjoy your week ahead and hopefully u will feel better by next week's weigh in. X
Sorry you were disappointed with your WI lovely. Think I'd be leaving that consultant if that's her attitude and risking the other one. I know a lot of people who've had fab consultants but all the ones I've had just didn't seem that interested.
Keep at it Hun, you can do it xx
Evening serena, how you feeling this evening?

If anything, I think your C should be telling you to UP syns!

Start at 15, then you have some give as you get nearer to target.

I would be ignoring the scales for a few weeks anyway, as you know they're going to be talking pap and medication will be impacting. It will work itself out in the end xxx

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Some good supportive comments there Serena, I do hope you aren't feeling down about it. Its plain unfair but life sometimes isn't, sadly, as you've thrown yourself into planning your slimming world with such enthusiasm and excitement and now this. Hang on in there lovely, in the long run, what you're eating is good and healthy and can only do you good. xx