If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Hello lovely. Glad to hear things are better with your eyes and you definetely should be proud of those achievements! :)

I don't have a slow cooker..didn't think they were much good for veggies but yiur quorn looks lush...does it taste different cooked in there? X
Morning Serena hope your eyes are getting better hunni.

Happy Friday x
Hello lovely. Glad to hear things are better with your eyes and you definetely should be proud of those achievements! :) I don't have a slow cooker..didn't think they were much good for veggies but yiur quorn looks lush...does it taste different cooked in there? X

I'm not joking Anna, I finally understand the meaning of 'tender' the chicken/steak just melts in your mouth and totally absorbs all the Flavours. My Slow Cooker is only small, it makes enough for 2 :) x

Morning Serena hope your eyes are getting better hunni. Happy Friday x

Thanks Nic :) x
Good Morning Sweeties :)

Today I'm off to to the Job Centre, final appointment!!!!

I did not have a good nights sleep :-( Mother Nature decided to visit at 530am :-(

I now know with that and the new meds that a STS was ok on Wednesday, I think a loss would of been near on impossible!!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Love Serena x
Just shows how we never know what is going on with our bodies and why the scales sometimes say what they do. Thank goodness you didn't let it throw you off the rails and kept going. So glad for you xx

Thanks Sweetie :) The Human Body really is very confusing! X
Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh tax credits are doing my head in! I've literally spent nearly the whole afternoon on the phone and I'm still on hold! This is actually a joke now! Getting very annoyed right now. X
Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh tax credits are doing my head in! I've literally spent nearly the whole afternoon on the phone and I'm still on hold! This is actually a joke now! Getting very annoyed right now. X

Awful isn't it... I know my eldest had the same trouble only last week. Hope you get things sorted xx
Hi Serena
Hope you're having a good day.

Tax credits used to drive me mad. I remember ringing them on numerous occasions, going through all the options only to get 'sorry we're experiencing high call volumes at the moment, please try again later' and then the line would go dead arrrghh!! Writing to them is definitely a better option sometimes. Hope you got it sorted.

Very excited for you and your new job on Monday, hope all goes well for you xx
Hi - wishing u well for 2moro! Hope u'll have ur school bag & SW lunch packed and have an early night lol!xx
Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh tax credits are doing my head in! I've literally spent nearly the whole afternoon on the phone and I'm still on hold! This is actually a joke now! Getting very annoyed right now. X
Hope u got it sorted in the end grrrrrr!!!!!!

As others have said - u did really well to stick with SW plan - results will show v soon!xx
Hey Serena
Hope you're having a great weekend an all goes well tomorrow xx