Well just had WI and I have somehow managed to claw back the weight I put on earlier this week after consuming mulled wine and chilli chocolate and I have officially lost 1lb!! Woohoo!!! So still maintaining the losses every week

My scales first thing this morning said 14st12lb.
I am 1st1lb away from my second target of being "overweight", I can't bloody wait to be be out of the obese catagory - I have been classified as obese/morbidly obese most of my adult life. Kira you hit the nail on the head I think re maintenance, it really is about allowing the odd treat day but then making sure you work bloody hard to claw back the damage over the following days and also puts into perspective what healthcare professionals mean when they bang on about 'balance'. I think my perception of balance has always weighed more towards more treats, less healthy choices, hence why I have never been able to keep any weight losses off.
I had some fantastic compliments last night and it was an eye opener how many people have told me that they think I should stay as I am - I won't - I am determined to get another 2 stone off and get down to 13 stone. I will then take an overview and see if I think I should do one big last push to get down to 12 stone. One of the partner's at the law firm I work for says she is concerned I will start looking drawn and too thin if I try and get another 3 stone off, she is someone who I know only has my best interests at heart and she summed it up by saying its important I keep a 'lady like shape'. I have to say I tend to agree as I have always loved having curves as a teenager (last time I was 'slim').
I am just thinking back to my old Christmas party habits - I used to hoover up the food, get so drunk and used to spend a lot of lunch hours nipping to the German Market for bratwurst, garlic potatoes and gluwein! mmmmm!! This year I have not been round the German Market once, I drove to the party and only had a small turkey meal and you know what...I am still having a great time, it was really funny seeing how drunk some of my friends were last night...reminds me of the Christmas I was pregnant lol!!
So today I am going to do some more Christmas shopping this afternoon and meet up with my sister, I am one shake down and drunk a litre of water. I am staying in tonight watching Strictly and I am having cod baked with lime and coriander and a crispy salad. So motivated to get this next stone off asap
