Thank you!!! It's only just dawned on me just how horrific the last 18 months have been in this current job - really didn't shape up to be what I expected and at first I comfort ate to cope, I put on a lot of weight very quickly. when I started CD I took away my stress outlet (food/wine) and I think that's why I have started to show real signs of stress - that's not a bad thing because comfort eating or turning to alcohol was not the answer.
This weight loss journey has taken me to places I never thought i'd go - I didn't realise I drank so much or comfort ate until that comfort blanket was removed. I've only lasted 4 months without that blanket until the cracks started to show and I now realise my job was one of the catalysts to my weight issues i.e. stress causes me to eat/drink too much alcohol.
I have a lot to thank CD for - I had no insight into any of these traits before xx
So I've taken a step back, managed to secure a role on the same money, and can concentrate on having a meaningful work/life balance with less stress. Doesn't mean I won't work hard, just means I don't want to be bringing work home and worrying about workloads and team politics during 'me time'.