I'll prove I can do it!!

He he I'm half kidding when I added that comment. Only half though. I know women can be a total nightmare hence why the majority of my friends are male: I really do like men and women both. :) promise. Xxx
Ha ha ha that thread has really made me chuckle! I think you all make relevant points - had a heart to heart with my bestie who gave me a completely reasonable male perspective, not dissimilar to Adam's point. Fortunately he knows me well enough to spot me freaking out and has had a stern word. I've decided to go with the flow and keep things light hearted, if this guy wants to take me out then I'll go - we do get on well so I'd be daft to tell him to do one without finding out if he's sincere or not.

In the diet front I have had a day of 2 halves - was so busy only had one product and nowhere near enough water. Had an omelette for tea and then it's gone a bit down hill...had cheese, grapes and yes I admit it...i'm so sorry Fairy....A CHOCOLATE MINI ROLL :-/

On the plus side I just weighed myself and I'm 15st1!!!! I am determined to be über good until WI and see if I can get in the 14s :) xxxxx
You and that ****ing mini rolls ha ha. Ach I have done rubbish. I am weighing in at 15st 8. 1 freeking lb down!! Gadz!! Xxxxx
Lol I know - mini rolls are my bloody nemisis at the moment. Mind u I've weighed myself tonight and I'm 15st bang on so dropped 5lbs since Sunday :) God I want to see the 14s tomorrow. Think I've got WI tomorrow...need to text my CDC and check!

How's u'r day been?? xxx
Ooo well done. I have pre warned my Cambridge wifie that my weightloss will prob be min exist any this week and have asked for a weekly weigh in till mid jan to give me a boot up the arse. We shall see what the damage is on sat. Scales say I have lost 1lb since 2 weeks ago but all I have done is go out for meals and I have been out drinking a few times too. Spending time with Mr M is stumping the weightloss ha ha. Xx
Ha ha ha I have to say weight loss and new men are a difficult mix - its all the going out that does the damage lol. I can't go out on Sat as cant get a sitter so we're gonna do something during next week instead. Prob best as I have bad PMT at the min ha!

Can't believe how cold it's got - I'm really craving carbs and comfort food. I have to walk past the German market every day on my way to the station and it's so hard avoiding the food...I lived in Germany for 3 years and lurve German food!!! Mmmmmm xxx
Ooft I know what you mean! All I want when I'm cold is bread bread and more bread. I did actually have some toast this evening. I was hungry. I will get back into it.
Ok so I have lost track. Which I e is this Christy you are meeting? Still can't get over your pics. They are awesome. :) xxx
Lol - naughty girl but with me scoffing chocolate mini rolls I don't think I've got any room to be critical ha!!!

I have WI today and what I haven't told you is I had a job interview yesterday - was 3 hours and an absolute killer - I've had my tummy in knots all day waiting for the call saying whether I got it or not and so I haven't been able to eat all day. I've been so nervous!!! Just had a call to say I've got the job :D I am sooooo hApPy!!!!! So going for WI then going to drink wine....lots of it!!!! Ha ha!!! I have been really stressed in my current job and I can tell u how relieved I am to get out of it :)

Oh the guy I'm talking about is that guy I've been seeing since August on and off - the one who I saw on Tuesday. Decided to give him the benefit of the doubt lol xxxx
Just had WI - I've lost 7lbs - I am bang on 15st :D Today is officially a good day, I've lost half a stone on a week and also got a new job.....yay!!!! xxx
Wow Christy, what a day!! Congratulations on both counts, very well deserved..
Thank you!!! It's only just dawned on me just how horrific the last 18 months have been in this current job - really didn't shape up to be what I expected and at first I comfort ate to cope, I put on a lot of weight very quickly. when I started CD I took away my stress outlet (food/wine) and I think that's why I have started to show real signs of stress - that's not a bad thing because comfort eating or turning to alcohol was not the answer.

This weight loss journey has taken me to places I never thought i'd go - I didn't realise I drank so much or comfort ate until that comfort blanket was removed. I've only lasted 4 months without that blanket until the cracks started to show and I now realise my job was one of the catalysts to my weight issues i.e. stress causes me to eat/drink too much alcohol.

I have a lot to thank CD for - I had no insight into any of these traits before xx

So I've taken a step back, managed to secure a role on the same money, and can concentrate on having a meaningful work/life balance with less stress. Doesn't mean I won't work hard, just means I don't want to be bringing work home and worrying about workloads and team politics during 'me time'.
Great day Christy!!

We each reach a point where work/life balance becomes a priority - and you notice how work and stress leaks into home time. A loss of 7lbs is fantastic, particularly at your point in the journey.
Congratulations on the weight loss and also the new job! Well done! I can relate to the stress element and comfort eating and drinking alcohol. It really doesn't help the stress in any way at all we just think it does when we eat and drink. Carbs have a soporific effect and I think that is why so many of us turn them. Too many carbs simply induce a coma like state dulling the pain for a while is how I seen it. Sadly I just didn't see back in 2008 when I first succeeded on CD. But hey! we are where we are and we all learn things at different stages. You my dear though I going to get this right having done the worst bit of going through the hell of CD for so long. You will be in the 14's by next weigh in!
Christy well don't my lil chica!!! I got weighed an I have put in a lb and to be honest I'm surprised it wasn't more!! Definately going back to ss and sticking to it for the whole week! I demand to be in the 14s by Xmas. Well done Christy on the new job, weightloss and yer funcy man. Checks you changing your life missy. Uber proud. Xx
Thank you everyone :D

Well today I hopped on the scales which confirmed I am now 14st13 - I am in the 14s....yay!!!!

I can get on my size 16 dress for my Christmas party next week and feel pretty confident in it.

I was given a voucher for a local beauty salon for my 40th and today was the last day I could use it. So today I had my eyebrows waxed and my eyebrows and eyelashes tinted, then I have had individual lash extensions put on - really pleased with the result and can't believe how much better it makes me look without any makeup lol. Blonde eyelashes are not a good look lol!! So I am party season ready.

Wrote my resignation letter today and psyched up to tell my HR manager that I am leaving. Dreading telling my boss but only because she has a gift of making me feel 1mm tall with one cutting remark - I refuse to let this happen this time. I am leaving because I am sick and tired of picking up everybody else's mess and being made a scape goat when something goes wrong.

Hope everybody is having a good weekend :) xxxx
Thanks GG :)

Well I have had the first "please don't loose anymore weight" comment - my Uncle told my cousin that I've gone far enough and I need to stop. I'm still 14st 12 and obese! Guess I am going to have to accept that these comments will come, I definitely need to lose another 2 stone at least as I know I am still too fat for my frame.

My hair has started coming out, not sure if it's the diet or my annual moulting that seems to happen. Going to have to keep a close eye on it xx
It's likely to be combination of the diet and the usual hair loss one can have. I know when I first did CD back in 2008 I did experience hair loss after I'd lost a bulk of my weight but it does stop falling out so don't worry too much. It's not as if you are going to be on vlcd forever. You could take extra supplements if you are really worried. (why will this keyboard not allow me to do a return?!! Must be something to do with forum? my ipad allows it!) Anyway, in respect of the comments yes, you will get lots of those! I think it is because people are so accustomed to seeing you the size you have been and that is how they see you - being overweight! Crazy! Never a word from anyone when one is fat and overweight but as soon as we start doing something about it the comments come fast and furious. You keep going until you are happy with weight and size you will know when you need to stop and you body of course will start slowing down when it doesn't want you to lose more.
Oh I am suffering from my usual hair shedding right now- happens every year. I'm taking various vitamins - I don't normally touch vits but am hoping for a placebo effect here : )

Yes, the ' oh don't lose any more brigade ' ... I know them well. I am getting a lot of these comments now and it's probably time for me to stop now at just under 9 stone but people were telling me this at 10 stone something if not more. Just ignore it and keep going until you achieve your own target.