How did it go Christy? You didnt eat the pasties... right???
I "just wanted to taste" the kids sauce for the pasta dish I made................but refrained.
Funny the habits we pick up - like when cooking, I would always "pop" a little something in my mouth, like when cutting carrots, I'd pop a piece in my mouth, or cutting mushrooms - pop one in..... and I now have to conciously stop myself popping something in when preparing food. :sigh:
Re TOTM - it never makes the slightest bit of difference to me re weight loss. I'm very lucky to have completely normal periods with no pain or PMT or anything like that though. Or water retention. So maybe this makes a difference ? I wouldn't focus too much in that affecting your losses - it more than likely wont
Haven't eaten a morsel! Drank only water. I'm I'll in bed! Got home from school run feeling very cold, next thing I know I have the shivers. Now I'm sweating it out! Had 2 kingsize duvets, fleece & dressing gown with hot water bottle. Sore throat and short of breath. Slight headache & it's TOTM!
I did pT session earlier in day & I just thought it had wiped me out. Positive great for kick start for weightloss! Negative I feel awful. Lying on my side typing this slowly.
Wanted to let you know I hadn't gone on a bender! Catch up tomorrow if I'm feeling better. Hope it's just a24 hr thing.
Arighty ladies!! How are we all doing!! Sorry I have been in hiding for the past few weeks. Few slip ups here and there but finally hit the 4stone off mark and into the 14s on Tuesday with a 6lb weightloss. So chuffed. What is this challenge I see you lovely ladies doing? X
Well I just weighed in and lost another 1.6kg - strange thing is that I picked up 2cm around my hips? WTF?
A loss is a loss... right.
I've been in ketosis now 5 weeks....
I think you're an inspiration Christy - I also read your diary from page 1 and am inspired by you! Keep up the good work and I KNOW YOU CAN do 7 days!
I also read your diary Christy and thoroughly enjoyed it. You have done so well and are a real inspiration. I'm also glad Fairy is back posting again here, the banter and stories between you both is hilarious
. Well done girls.
Gosh! It's been busy on this thread!
Christy glad you go through yesterday offices should ban all snacks! Especially pastries!
Fairy!!! About time you came back! Well done on the loss!
Jilly you are doing fab! 5 weeks of cd and in full blown ketosis! Those fat cells will be in hell fighting back but they will have to leave your body forever!
Welcome to the newbies!
GG you are doing fab again!
As for me feeling more human. Had another high temp and shivers attack around 4 am think paracetamol had worn off. Hopefully I sweated that out and it will be the last of it. I managed to have s&s porridge earlier after having nothing all,day yesterday. Hope I'm fully recovered for my PT session on Monday.!