Silver Member
14st 11 too now. I actually went for a run today! I know!! Me runnin ha ha. Breathing out my arse though! I celebrated my weightloss By dying my hair bleach blonde. it lasted 3 days and im back to red ha ha.
Guys on the challenge are you doing ss or ss+. How are you all getting on with it? X
Ah I was 14st10 this morning so u've caught me up on super speed time - well done!! U'll b overtaking me at this rate lol!!!
I swear to god we are somehow psychically linked - I went for a run yesterday!!!!! My colleagues have put my name down with them to do the Birmingham half marathon in October and my best friend wants me to do the Stafford half marathon (it's where I live) with her next March. Got some serious training to do but think its going to be great to get into to get the weight off and help set myself up for maintenance. I walk 5-6 miles every day so last night wasn't too bad. Going to push myself more tomorrow