I have to agree about Gestie, thought he was going to be awful & I'd hate him, but he's so entertaining, I reckon he'll stay to the end as people will want to watch him. Fair do's to him, he did well in the challenge, oh those spiders - shudder.
Jason came across as a really nice guy yesterday, so sweet with Faith on those swings (& bless her, managing to balance with all that weight up front
). But what's with him & Gestie - hmmmmm.
I'd like to see more of Faith (ooh-err Matron, not like that!!) but they've not shown much of her & hard to form an opinion.
Don't like Phina (very false & up herself) or Lauren. Not sure about Jan, liked her at first, but she's getting on my nerves a bit.
Not sure about Matt, not seen much of him, the Tobster seems a nice guy too.
Mylene has totally changed my opinion of her, she's an absolute star, seems to be loving every minute of it & prepared to get stuck in. What a trooper, thought she'd be really girly & flap about everything, but I think she's brill & she looks so fantastic too, without a scrap of makeup on, so not fair!
Scott - yuk, so glad he's got the challenge - couldn't happen to a nicer guy LOL.