I'm back, and need to lose 2 more stone. I MUST I MUST.

Eugh yeah that Elle is horrible and smells!

*I just can't do it! She is really pretty and nice *
:giggle:.....and hasn't got the red shoes :dooney: :p
Tut Tut Girls, maybe it's time you joined me on the naughty step. :D
No Jim - we wouldn't want to deprive you of your own special space x
Lol you folk are weeeeird. Perhaps not as weird as me but either way, I've been warned against mixing with my own type:p

Yeeeeah so I had a bad outcome this morning but I'm trying to keep a smile on my face. Could do with a bit of reassurance from the weight-loss master PUGGS, but he seems to have DISAPPEARED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH again! Basically, I seem to have piled on 2 1/2 lb this last week and 2 days. I suppose that's easily doable. I am suffering a bit with my bowels this morning (how dreadful does that sound. It sounds like something my nan would say.) but I shan't use that as an excuse. I've seen pics of myself in the new dress I've bought and I'm not too horrified. The only thing I absolutely abhor, ABHOR - YOU HEAR ME??? *ahem* is my fat back and wobbly arms. Grrr. Grrr. Now, I'm still going to aim to lose at least a stone. AT LEAST. But I desperately need to tone my back without screwing up my neck (very fragile, easily done). Any suggestions? I was thinking I might replace the wire that my rabbit chewed and start doing some boxing on the Wii alongside my yoga arm exercises that I'm trying to remember to do daily.

Also, I have my measurements courtesy of the woman what measured me for my dress so now I'm going to measure myself monthly, I think, record my TRUE process. I think it was something silly like 45" round my bust, 33" under bust, 32 1/2 " around my waist, 39" hips and 41" lower hips or something but again, I really can't remember. All I can truly remember is my waist size as I remember I used to be 37" around my waist so I'm quite chuffed! (Also I think that makes me a lot healthier). I honestly think my main annoyance is my bust/upper back. I feel that if I can get that size down a bit it would make me feel a lot more confident.

Anyway now you've literally read every thought I've had in the past 10 minutes, any remarks?

There is the back and bust exercise which makes you look a bit like Barbara Windsor in the carry on film just before her bra popped off. You stand straight and push your palms together (prayer like) in front of your breasts and as you push you say this rhyme:

One, two three four
Keep your t**s up off the floor

It works - honest x
Curvy is good, I never could stand that skinny rake look at all.
Lol Gem. You know what, I just tried that and you can feel it doing something!

Here are some pics of my new one. This is a size 12 so my boobs obviously don't fit inside it!

*NOTE* THRID PICTURE - WHY I HATE MY BACK! We have to focus on this folks.



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Now THAT is beautiful, not just the dress either. It's possible your muscles could do with a little tone up - whose couldn't? - but I do think you are being over-critical of yourself. Keep working on the toning and losing a little here and a little there and you'll be perfect! Then you'll have another problem - who in the hell wants someone who is perfect?

Elle - if you put fingers to wrists instead of the praying motion it will give a little more boost to that exercise - feel 'em jump Girl x
:sigh: :confused:

Looks fine to me? what are you seeing that I'm not.

Honestly, I despair of you women sometimes.
Yeeeeah so I had a bad outcome this morning but I'm trying to keep a smile on my face. Could do with a bit of reassurance from the weight-loss master PUGGS, but he seems to have DISAPPEARED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH again! Basically, I seem to have piled on 2 1/2 lb this last week and 2 days. I suppose that's easily doable.


I'm still here as always! I always read, if don't comment!

And that's nothing...I put on 4.5lb in 6 days recently...it is very easily done! It will come back off, just might take a wee bit of time!
Oh Gem, I would be far off perfect. But I'll definitely try what you're suggesting.

Jim - my flabby back is what I'm complaining about! The fact that it will come out like a muffin top over the side of the dress as it's a corset and they pull it tight.

But guys I read somewhere that back fat is the last to drop off so.... :(
Just make sure it's not too tight - that is what will cause the problem - not anything wrong with your back. Trim up a bit, tone up a lot and stop worrying - you look lovely x
Puggs! See, I knew you'd get it. You go up and down but your end outcome is very very down! And you know I mean that in a good way.

It's ok, I'm sure I can sort myself out. You ok?

You have plenty of time to lose some weight and when you have the dress in the right size and all alterations are done it will fit you perfectly with no back fat. It only looks like that in the pictures because it is too tight around the bust. That wont happen at all with the finished product x
You're probably right Taz - you know about stuff like that x
Puggs! See, I knew you'd get it. You go up and down but your end outcome is very very down! And you know I mean that in a good way.

It's ok, I'm sure I can sort myself out. You ok?


You have to accept it can't always be perfect and ups will come now and then! It's accepting them quickly, not letting it get to you and carrying on and making sure there are plenty more downs!

I am good yeah, another wee half a pound and the 4.5lb is gone! 6 days to put on, be about 3 weeks to loose! :rolleyes:
Good on you Puggs - that's the way to evict squatters - take no prisoners x