I have somehow lost a pound.
It has been a strange unsettled 3 weeks, and thankfully this week I went for 2 runs- beautiful runs along the cliffs near to where I had been staying with my young people. I had reduced the crap I was eating, but I do not know how that meant a pound loss. I'll just thank the Universe/ God/ Higher power and get on with the next 18lbs! (before marathon)
Yesterday evening I came home, and started cleaning. Clothes were everywhere, dishes washed but not dried, bits of paper everywhere, bills everywhere, recycling waiting to be put out- a general mess. I got stuck in. I disinfected, I sorted, I put away, I scrubbed, I folded, I hoovered. The feeling of satisfaction this morning waking up in a room that has not nee this clean since I moved in was amazing- shame I have to go to work, but happier to do so than before. My next task when I get a few hours is to tackle the bills drawer, the spare room and my wardrobe.
There is something both refreshing and grounding about a good clean out- I'm not sure if its because I spent 4 hours with my house or because the end result is clean (I should get someone else into dfo it next time and see if I feel the same). I feel more comfortable, more positive, more at home. A friend is coming for the weekend and I have the fire already set, and candles scattered to get that homely feeling.
I am now going to do the same with my body. Spend quality time with it, feed it good food, scrub it, moisturise it, take it out for a run, a hot bath. Its fantastic to think in 10 weeks I am going to run a marathon. My body needs my attention so I need to spend more time with it, and prioiritise it.
As for the house I am promising to spend time every week on it, and even make a list of the big jobs, taking one a week.
For both, I know the right thing to do, I know how good it feels, yet I know I need to make constant positive choices so that I don;t fall down again.