do the downhills make for better ups?
So today, my run was cancelled, i turned up, my buddy didn't - turns out she arrived 15 mins late- probably just after I gave up and went home. I took it as a sign from God.
The mood I'm in is not depressed, i'm just, could it be, sad. But not a crying sad, adn at nothing. My work is the best it's ever been. My weight is falling, I'm eating well and few binges at all this week. But inside there is this strange feeling.
Last night boxer boy advised me that the bad workouts usually make you better, and you come back stronger. He doesn't know why, its just what he found. That's what I admire in him. He does what he sees working, not looking for the why.
So today, taking in Eckhart Tolle and Boxing Boy (treating both these men as equals in the game of life), I am allowing myself just to be where it wants to be. SO if it wants to be a little down, I'm letting it. Not lazy- I went to Pilates again this week, and again the hour flew in. I concentrated on my breathing and stayed with my body as much as I could (cheeky little mind likes to wander in odd places). Then I walked around tesco, I was only in for milk but decided to sort of loll about, among the magazines and books mostly, but not entirely.
I came home, my planned treat being tea (thus the milk) but I didn't want that. So I listened to my body, and made myself camomile tea.
And now I am cosying under my duvet, puttting my thoughts out to the universe, followed by my book, and then sleep.
There's a Rudyard Kipling poem- If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat these 2 imposters just the same
Maybe emotions ar enot imposters, but I do think we should allow them all. Life is not about happy times. Sometimes its not teh happy times that you treasure the most. Like my niece starting playschool- in a way completely heartbreaking (i'll save it for another therapy session), or when I'm on mile 25 of 26.1- agony. Sadness, anger, frustration, delight, joy. All of these are part of who I am.
So tonight my soul is sad, and I shall allow it to be. I will sit comfortably with it, and remind it of teh good things it has to look forward to when the sadness leaves.
I guess even energizer batteries run out.