In it to Slim it....Atkins Plan

Hi sarah, all sounding good. It is possible to go away, eat out etc and all low carb. Just prepare yourself ahead :)

A warning - just a "few" carbs (pots for eg) can bring the raving monster binging appetite back in no time! Amazing how much weight I can put on in days if I let him "free"

So I manage - making sure I have plenty of eg cooked breakfast and legal snacks so never too hungry to make good choices!
Day 10
I shouldn't weigh myself each morning but I do. I'm not at 7.5lba down :) So I've been eating 3 meals without snacks. I'm not even hungry anymore. I still enjoy eating so I look forward to meals and never miss one, but I could probably skip a meal and still not be hungry. I guess that's ketosis.
Last night I have courgette spaghetti while my husband had pasta. Would creamy tomato sauce with chicken. Days calories 1230, carbs 16g

I'm need this diet right now because before I did it I was binging on food every day but I am begining to think about how long term it is. I have a weekend away in 3 weeks time, a few other little trips booked. Hopefully by then my carb allowance will be higher and I can still make good choices
Well done Sarah on your weight loss:0clapper:

Looks like Atkins is really suiting you and all your meals look delicious.
Thanks. I'm definitely having a moment of weakness today. I haven't been off plan and I'm not struggling, not hungry, I haven't gained. In fact I'm 100% on it, have lost more and feel great.

I just don't know how long I can keep going. I don't know if it's boredom or fear of failing. I've been looking up other plans and now I'm all confused.

At the moment my aim is to be overweight and not obese. So I'm not quitting.
The key is indeed to find something you can live with. The fact that Ivan enjoy burger plus cheese & bacon, roast chicken and (past induction!) red wine & chocolate works for me:)

If it's working & you're not hungry then stuck with it:) lots of creative & exciting cookery to discover/explore so no excuse to get bored!
Thanks @Kat1e I just need to keep going :)
I do feel great so it would be silly to stop. It's not even that I feel deprived because I'm making my daughter food I would normally scoff her leftovers, but I'm not even interested. So ketosis is working its magic. Plus later down the line I can have foods I miss. So I know I had ibs before I started, which has disappeared. So I can only hope the reintroduction of foods will help me figure out what was bothering me.

What do you think about Atkins products. Some of them seem okay and low carb, I'm sure they'd taste okay as a sweet snack. I'm a bit dubious about buying any. They are too expensive to buy as single items and I'm not sure I have the self control to have - from a multipack.

Also sorry for all the questions, but did you do the rungs in the way the book suggested? Or in your own order?

Thanks for your help!
Day 12
Our for lunch today. I've checked the menu and lots of good choices come with sauces I'm not sure of, or may have added carbs in burgers etc. I'm decided on gammon and egg, which comes with mushroom, tomato, salad and chips. I'll give the chips to someone or leave them on my plate. My husband will most likely eat them. He is tall and thin. Does 60mile bike rides and running, so can eat whatever he wants.

I got salad instead of chips (the chips behind are my daughters cooling down)
So I took the tomato off because I don't like them. Didn't have the dressing because I wasn't sure, I had Mayo instead, then roughly did an estimate for the salad etc.
Gammon was nice.
Thanks @Kat1e I just need to keep going :)
I do feel great so it would be silly to stop. It's not even that I feel deprived because I'm making my daughter food I would normally scoff her leftovers, but I'm not even interested. So ketosis is working its magic. Plus later down the line I can have foods I miss. So I know I had ibs before I started, which has disappeared. So I can only hope the reintroduction of foods will help me figure out what was bothering me.

What do you think about Atkins products. Some of them seem okay and low carb, I'm sure they'd taste okay as a sweet snack. I'm a bit dubious about buying any. They are too expensive to buy as single items and I'm not sure I have the self control to have - from a multipack.

Also sorry for all the questions, but did you do the rungs in the way the book suggested? Or in your own order?

Thanks for your help!

Unfortunately Atkins products full of sweeteners that are rubbish every day. I carried emergency Atkins for 2 years.....perfect. My current emergency snacks are macadamia nuts (weighed 30g baggies) and marmite cheddar bites (yum)

Do have emergency Atkins snacks - doesn't have to be processed tho:)

It is worth following the reintroduction protocol in book - the main reasons i'm still low carb:
My limit of carbs is 30-50 before weight gain
Wheat/gluten gives me boils face & unconfortable places (groin/under arms)
Grains randomly give me really bad tummy aches
White rice & potatoes fine - avoid all super healthy brown stuff!

If I hadn't gone low carb & then followed reintroduce plan I would never have discovered. Life without ibs/tummy problems is fab! Take it slow. Follow protocol & listen to YOUR body:)

Good luck X
Thanks! That's all great advice. I'm really excited to move onto more carbs and newer foods. I've not had many snacks but when I have I've been in, so it hasn't had to be snack food.

Feel like I need something to keep me motivated, like a recipe blog or Instagram.

Day 13
I stupidly weighed myself this morning. I told myself I wouldn't because when I'm 'ovulating' (not that I track it but I do recognise that I am) I must hold onto extra water. I always weigh more. So I was 1lb gain but I still have strong ketosis so all is good. Hopefully on my 2 week mark on Monday morning all will be gone. Going to do a slow cooked chicken for tea. Then use all the juices and some of the chicken to make a soup to have. I can add some cream and veg and make it yummy.
Day 14 My last day of induction
So far I've lost 9lbs on Atkins. It's pretty cool. I haven't told people I am doing the diet, other than my husband. I saw some old work colleges yesterday. None of them mentioned weight loss but..2 of them separately mentioned how glowing I looked. So that is nice.
I was going to aim for 14lbs in the first month, so I think that's achievable now.

Father's Day lunch today and a busy day planned.
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Bloat check
I would say most my bloat seems to have gone and I'm just left with fat. I no longer look 30 weeks pregnant, I now look 12 weeks pregnant lol Slowly getting there. Feel way to excited about an extra 5g of carbs tomorrow. Feels like more than it is really.

My side stomach at 227lbs


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Induction Over
9lbs down. When you read about Atkins online people lose 14lbs plus over the first 2 weeks. I'm still happy. I've eaten loads of veg and been very close to 20g carbs most days, and my macro ratios look spot on in terms of fat/protein naturally. I've not been hungry and I'm ready to move on.

So I really really miss something milky. I've always struggled with dairy and have drank nut milk all my life with no problems. So I'm adding my 5g of extra veg, plus almond milk. I know it's cheating.....but unsweetened almond milk has 0.1g carbs per 100ml. I feel like if I don't have this option then boredom will make me want to stop.

In other news.....Double Yolks this morning! Lucky me.


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Well done:)

Stick with green veg as much as
Possible as I think it really helps. Don't call it cheating -if you are managing carbs you are doing a fine job! Enjoy your new freedoms this week x
Day 15
I've made cottage pie with cauliflour mash on top for tea yum!! Got a few hours before I eat but I already know it's going to be really tasty.

I've been looking online for recipes and.....Atkins is really confusing. I'm following he old book I think. There is 'the new Atkins' 'atkins20' 'atkins40' and something else. I guess it's a way for them to make money.
Them new plans are ridulous. They aren't at all what atkins is about but as you say it's to make money. If you'd like recipes, Google, Lindas low carb recipes. I found that amazing when I first started
@Marysu Thanks for the recipe page. Some of the bread / muffin recipes look interesting. I probably won't be bothered most the time but it's good for a change/treat.

I went slightly over on carbs to 26g, and had more calories than usual 1765. But weighed this morning and was 1.5lbs down. I had to weigh myself twice to check it was right. Almost in the 15 stones
Well done great to hear all going well. Yes I agree that all the latest plans are just confusing. Keep counting, avoid too many treats and you'll be fine. Take a look at the recipe threads in stickies as well for ideas x
Your dress looks way looser now, well done. One thing to remember with atkins is that the measuring tape is a much better indication of loss. I once went three months not losing a single pound but dropped a dress size in that time. All of a sudden I got a whoosh and 11lbs came off one week lol. It's funny that way. Always go by the tape or how your clothes fit and the scales will always catch up. Just something to remember if you think you plateau in future.