India's food diary

It does make a difference when things are written down and you can look over the diary!
Well done about going to prepare meals for work,good idea.
Ouch about that choc being 1pp per square!
Week 2 - Monday

Banana - 0pp

3 x mini chocolate chip cookie - 6pp

Small jacket potato - 5pp
Lurpak - 1pp
Small can of tuna - 2pp

Tuna pasta - 6pp
Grated cheese - 3pp

TOTAL - 23pp. Not bad for a Monday, could've done without the cookies and it was a little more carb-heavy than usual but still within my dailies so can't complain too much. And no wine! I'm determined not to touch a drop until Friday!
India_87 said:
Week 2 - Monday

Banana - 0pp

3 x mini chocolate chip cookie - 6pp

Small jacket potato - 5pp
Lurpak - 1pp
Small can of tuna - 2pp

Tuna pasta - 6pp
Grated cheese - 3pp

TOTAL - 23pp. Not bad for a Monday, could've done without the cookies and it was a little more carb-heavy than usual but still within my dailies so can't complain too much. And no wine! I'm determined not to touch a drop until Friday!

Sounds nice!
India_87 said:
Just had a thought . . little bro got home last night after 2 months in Greece, I can bet money someone is going to suggest going out for a meal. bugger bugger bugger! my wine vow might be in jeaopardy here . . damn!

Lol, it's always the alcohol that ruins my diet!!!
India_87 said:
I know, I nearly fell off my chair! no more fruit & nut for me! Keeping a food diary does make such a difference, I used to do the myfitnesspal calorie tracker app thing but i like how on here you can also write a bit about how your day has gone, the positives and where you need to improve and then being able to read over it really helps!

I agree,it's good to share things and have other peoples comments :0)
India_87 said:
Just had a thought . . little bro got home last night after 2 months in Greece, I can bet money someone is going to suggest going out for a meal. bugger bugger bugger! my wine vow might be in jeaopardy here . . damn!

Did you go out in the end ?
Week 2 - Wednesday. Didn't do too badly today given the amount of treats that were on offer but i did go slightly over my points so going to carry the 9 I had left from Tuesday over to cover ;)

Banana - 0pp

Salad - 0pp
Trout - 4pp

Party food (this is all estimates but I've been as honest as possible!)
Pringles - 7pp
Cherry bakewell - 5pp
Munchies/minstrels/maltesers - 10pp

Tiger loaf - 5pp
butter - 2pp
tomato & basil cup-a-soup - 3pp

2 x tangerine - 0pp

TOTAL - 36pp (26 dailies, 1 weekly)
India_87 said:
I'm really sad to be leaving actually, I love my team! But onwards and upwards as they say. They're only little office parties so no alcohol involved so i've managed to stick to my no drinking in the week policy so far. How's your week going Daisy? back any better?

Aw shame you're sad to be leaving,hope you're ok today,all going good,back is a lot better thanks,still taking things easy.
Glad you're feeling a bit better, well done on your loss this week!

Week 2 - Thursday

Banana - 0pp

salad - 0pp
tuna - 1pp

Snacks (oh boy)
Bakewell tart - 5pp
Pringles - 4pp
2 x vienese melt - 2pp
fun size crunchie - 2pp
fun size fudge - 2pp
maltesers - 3pp

Linda Mccartney veggie sausage - 2pp
white bread - 2pp
hovis best of both roll - 3pp
mushroom burger - 3pp
butter - 1pp
ketchup & mustard - 1pp

4 sq fruit & nut - 4pp

TOTAL - 34pp (26 dailies & 8 weeklies)
I do love snacking but I'm one of those people who struggles to stop once I've started, especially in the evenings so I've been trying to stop! I had no hope this week at work though. I didn't point my friday as I was going along and have no idea how many i had so I'm pretty much writing friday off! I had so many treats and then the other half was down from Glasgow so I had about 3 gin and tonics and then went home and had take away! not good! I'm going to try and remember everything I had over the weekend but this may take a while, haha! How was your weekend lovely? x