Ireland- bia- a bit of craic!

You will my dear, I never thought I would ever win but I feel once I do it once I can do it again
I was down 3 this week - 1 more pound to my 1 stone award! I'm really feeling a difference now - and people are starting to notice, which is always good. I haven't gotten past the 12's in years though, so I'm really afraid that I'll go off the boil this time as !
well done sus_murf

I lost a pound, which I am happy enough with, but only 2.5 overall for Feb. I'm yo-yoing a bit, so need to knuckle down. Going to mix up my food a bit, have been eating the same breakfast every day, so going to switch it and hopefully jazz things up.
Well done sus_murf, that is a great weight loss, keep it up now and dont be worrying about going off the boil, I had the same worry a few months ago and my friend who is a chef reassured me I wont because all the foods slimming world recommend us to eat are all normal healthy foods and that in time I will get used to it and it will be a way of life. Think of this as been the start of your new life in which your eating healthy good food
Niamh, a loss is a loss no matter what, if you look at April in my signature overall I put on weight and every other month I lost, I hate having to put that up there but that is a reality and nothing I can do about it
Thanks Orla

Funny, when I look at your stats I never see that gain, just all your losses.

I know myself I've become a bit lazy, need a wee boost to keep it going. I've two weddings this time next year, and want to be happy in my skin for those, so I must put in the work now. It's good to have a goal in mind - I think a weekend of reading back over my books and mags is on the cards.
Niamh, the fact that you had a loss is fantastic, for the month of April I had put on 2Ibs all together and that was probably my worst month in slimming world, I nearly left at one point but thanks to a very dear friend (who has left herself due to working shift work) she pulled me back but I'm so glad she did and I would like to think that this site does the same for all of us.

Can you imagine getting a fabulous slinky new dress for these weddings and how amazing you will look in it, to me this is the motivation I need when I get tempted to eat loads of chocolate or toast (had that temptation this morning and thankfully resisted it) to me clothes is much more important than food and usually this works.
Orla you losses are fantastic well done you should be very proud of yourself. I can only dream of loosing 5 stone this year. I am only 17lbs in. I am finding it tough going though.

I havent stayed for a class yet. I feel like the biggest in my class and have really low confidence and I guess I am kind of afraid to stay if that makes sence? I would love to be able just to stay after I get weighed but I always just run out the door :(
I havent stayed for a class yet. I feel like the biggest in my class and have really low confidence and I guess I am kind of afraid to stay if that makes sence? I would love to be able just to stay after I get weighed but I always just run out the door :(

Please stay for class... you really will benefit from it. Even if you are the biggest there, which you're probably not, everyone else is focussed on their own weight. You're all there for the same reason, to get on with the plan and get healthy. You don't have to speak or do anything, just sit there and take in the advice you get. You've done so well, is that 17 lbs in 7 weeks? With a holiday in the middle? Amazing. With the groups help, you might get more tips or learn something that will give you another wee push.

I love my class, I always learn something.
Orla you losses are fantastic well done you should be very proud of yourself. I can only dream of loosing 5 stone this year. I am only 17lbs in. I am finding it tough going though. I havent stayed for a class yet. I feel like the biggest in my class and have really low confidence and I guess I am kind of afraid to stay if that makes sence? I would love to be able just to stay after I get weighed but I always just run out the door :(

I'll second what coughdrops said, please stay, it's so much easier if you do! I started at the end of January last year at 22st and I'm 5st down, and pretty sure I'm still the biggest in my class. No one has ever made me conscious of it tho, and I couldn't do without their support. I would never have gotten past the first stone by myself. You're doing fantastic tho, really well done xxx
NewMe14, I agree with what coughdrops and Miss_Taken say, the class is invaluable. Last week our consultant said that statistically anyone who stays for image therapy lose more weight than somebody who comes in and just gets weighed. Your missing the buzz and the friendship of everyone there and to me Tuesday is the most important day of the week for me, I absolutely love it. Your also missing out on the cheer and clap you get when you get another cert and sticker. I bet one thing if you stay, they will be asking you what your doing and asking for your advice on things because your a real success.

I have been in my group since January last year and I'm asked nearly every week what I did this week, it does wonders for my confidence and hard to believe but before I started losing weight my confidence was rock bottom.

One more thing, if you stay for class and stay for three months concurrently then your consultant has a chance of getting a gold award (what it entails Im not sure but it definitely is a brownie point with head office yayyy !!!!!) so by staying for class your helping your consultant achieve that award. One final thing, if your there every week for weigh in and keep staying for image therapy, you may even be asked to help with the social team (I'm on the social team since July last year and I love it)

By the way, thank you for telling us your story, we love to hear stories like this so keep posting here and I look forward to seeing your signature getting bigger with all the rewards you will get
OMG girls I'm overwhelmed by the replies and the time you have all taken. Ok I am going to stay for my class this Wednesday and try get in I actually would like to get to know new people & make friends. My class is so big though like I was there for 9:30 I was weighed about 9.55 but there was still another I'd say 15mins worth of weighing to go because the q is still going. So should I just take a seat while the rest are waiting to get weighed? I know I probably am a tad hard on myself but the classes do sound great and I promise you all I will stay this week. :)

Thank you all so much for replies xxx
Hi I was the same as u in the beginning but people are friendly and all there for the same reason. I get weighed then make myself a cup of tea and sit down. I always end up chatting to someone!
Hi all, Newme I look forward to the class every week, it's one thing that I find so different to the other slimming groups out there. Everyone is welcome to speak as much or as little as they want and we have so much fun just chatting as I have to say every week someone comes out with a tip that I find so helpful. I joined in December and I've missed staying to group twice and it felt weird, I really didn't find I did so well during the week. Good luck this week I know you'll really love it :)
I take the money in our class so I would advise you if you can get in earlier then that is fantastic as then you will be weighed sooner than 9.55am and you sit down and there is always someone who will talk to you. I'm so glad you have decided to stay and I can promise you that you will want to keep going it is very addictive
Really looking forward to Wednesday now and I must admit the people in my class are friendly I always tend to strike up a conversation with person in front or behind me in the queue! I am hoping to get my 1.5 stone award this week my scales are saying yes but I know my leaders weigh me different plus I will have my clothes on!
I'm so happy your going to stay for image therapy, I will put money on that you will look forward to going back the week after, the buzz is unbelieveable and you will make genuine friends, remember they are there for the same reason

I wouldnt say to your consultant that you weigh yourself on your own scales (we all do but we never say it). My consultant doesnt like it as she says the only one you should be getting up on is her own, you put yourself through torture doing it, in saying that I weigh myself every Monday and Tuesday morning and it can affect my mood for the day (yes it looks like I have lost all the holiday weight and more). I know from mine the difference between yours and the slimming world one and subtract, that is it really.

Fingers crossed you get your reward on Wednesday and I get BACK my 5st reward that I got before Christmas, then I can start anew and keep going on
hi everyone! i have MIA this last week r so as i didnt make it to group last week and for some reason my brain has decided that because i am pregnant that i can eat anything i want! i am going back to group this week and cant wait to start a new week eating good!
I am so glad its lent this week! im going off fizzy drinks and crisps! i dont think i could go off chocolate aswell this year :(

I have to agree image therapy is the best! i have made so many new friends from staying for it and we all actually stay just to have a laugh!
I think that is the key, we all have a laugh at image therapy and maybe consultants are picked because more of their personality than anything else. Of course you have to have a certain percentage of your target reached too but more so the personality of any consultant I know, they are all very bubbly (mine especially)

Mrs Mc, I wouldnt worry too much about MIA, are you feeling nauseous, that would be reason enough to keep me away but delighted you have decided to keep going to class during your pregnancy, how far on are you now.

This week is a big week for me, as far as I think I definitely ovulated so hoping that if I did that it was the right side (yes I have a bad/wrong side as I have no fallopian tube on the left side) and if I ovulated on the right side then hoping for BFP (fingers and toes crossed)

I'm going off sweets, chocolate and crisps this week too so this should help with the weight up to Easter.