Ireland- bia- a bit of craic!

Morning everyone!

NewMe- so delighted that you stayed for your group, and huge Well Done on SOTW. You definitely deserve it!

I was down 0.5 lbs last night, which is ok. Had a busy few days and totally let the plan slip.

Heard last night that our group is closing at Easter. Gutted. I love our group, but the numbers have dwindled away, so she can't keep it open. Have to go elsewhere, which won't be as handy. Will really miss my Wednesday night out!

For Lent, I am off the vino, and supposedly crisps and sweets, but I had some last night. I think I'll allow myself a treat after W/I and rest of week stay sweet free. Easier said than done!

Have a good Thursday x
I'm going to try and walk every night. I have already given up most things sweet apart from the odd low syn bag of crisps or choc bar so don't think I will deprive myself anymore there!

How's everyone getting on today? I have just done some shopping there in aldi I got some tips of the aldi shopping thread and got some yoghurts to try their free so looking forward to that. The mullers can work out dear enough but I do like the raspberry sprinkled with chocolate!
Up half a pound this week so little disappointed! However I think I got away lightly looking back! Since I'm at target I'm doing a good week bad week thing and it's working out good! Have a wedding next week tho and want to feel comfortable in my new size 8 dress so hitting the gym every night this week!
I really should start walking. I have no excuse not to. I have an hour in the morning after DH heads out to work, if I got up with him I'd have my walk done before my day even starts. Or at lunchtime I've a full hour that I usually spend on my backside!

Kinakk, you will wow them all at that wedding ;)
Cough drops, that's what I do. When my hours changed at work and I didn't have to start until a couple of hours later, I continued to get up early, take the dog for a walk and have breakfast. Before, I just got up, got ready for work and ran out the door. I feel so much better for it, more alert at work and much happier. Xxx
That's exactly what I say I'll do, then I laze in my pjs!


Tomorrow, I'll will throw on my runners, ,p3 player and hi-vis top, and off I go
Lol, good plan, I'm guilty of that too. Best advice I can give you is "do it before your brain wakes up and figures out what you're doing". If I wait, or have breakfast first or something, I come up with all these ridiculous reasons why it's a bad idea :p
I absolutely love my morning walk and DH drops me off our local church and I walk up to work, it is just under half an hour but so important as it clears the cobwebs. I gave up sweets, chocolate, crisps and biscuits but for me this was a way of kicking the weight loss into action (killed two birds with the one stone)

Coughdrops, I think they are doing a recruiting day in Dublin on the 8th March (next Saturday) would you not think of going for it yourself, my friend said all you needed to have lost was 7Ibs in order to qualify for consultant, I think you would be very good. She went to the open day in the Hilton last year (I convinced her) and then I think they interviewed her and within no time she was accepted and she started just after Christmas, think about it

NewMe14, do you mind me asking where you got the rasberry sprinkled with chocolate as I saw them advertised but havent seen them in the shops here in Athlone at all. You will notice once you start walking that you will enjoy going for your walk, my consultant told me the week before last that I was between gold and platinum body magic (although I havent got my gold cert or sticker yet) and if you knew me before this you would know I hated walking but now this is a way of life for me and I look forward to putting on my music in the morning and walking to work.

Kinakk, dont worry about that, the fact that you can fluctuate when on target is good. I would say for you saying your fitting into a Size 8 dress must be the most fantastic feeling, I can sense you are going to look smashing at the wedding yayyyy

Miss_Taken, that is how I did it in the beginning but now it is a way of life, part of my routine in the morning now is get up and get ready for work and get put on my runners, I love it so much I actually am in bad form for the day if I dont get my walk in the morning
You have to pay for all the equipment, I think Caroline said it cost over €1000 but there were more costs and you have to give back half your take ins to head office (not sure if that is Dublin or the UK)
Sus_murf, I went to an opportunity event last weekend and for the bare minimum 1 group, smallest starter pack, it's about £600, then annual data protection fee of £35, travel and overnight stays for training etc, they reckon about £800 (although that's without flights), up to £1700 for two groups, fully stocked shop and the yellow boards for group. Don't know if it's the same in the south tho x
I think I remember hearing the breakdown of what each item costs and I remember my consultant saying the yellow boards did cost a bit so I would say it is the same in the South Miss_Taken only ours is in euro
I don't think I could do it, DH isn't working at the moment, and we don't have the spare cash for setting up etc.

Besides, the demand isn't here. Our consultant was told that she needed more numbers, and she can't get them. She's been doing the group a few years, one of the first in ROI, so if she can't get in the numbers I reckon they just aren't there. There are 2 or 3 other groups in nearby towns, less than 15-20 mins away, so I'll go to one of those instead I reckon.

Will have to change to Tues or Thurs w/i!
I don't think I could do it either. You need to have at least 50 bums on seats before you get anything like a wage from it, and even then, it's not much more than the dole and you have to reinvest 20% of the earnings on advertising.
I think it's the kind of thing you would need to be doing for the love of it, and because you are financially secure with time on your hands. I might be wrong, but I can't see it being regular enough to give up your day job for xx
Been on the social team my consultant would probably tell me and the others on the social team a bit more information than those who weigh in every week and even stay for class but I remember her saying she did it because she wanted to get back to work but she has two small children who are involved in clubs and finds it difficult to balance both. She told me that what we see on weigh in day is only a small fraction of the work involved and she is self employed so she has to balance her books as well but like that Miss_Taken, she loves doing it and absolutely loves to meet people every Tuesday and Wednesday. She recently got the morning class (you need a lot of bums on seats to get that) and that has propelled her into been very successful, she would have over 100 in her 9.30am class so I would say she is probably comfortable.

She did ask me if I would become a consultant as she felt I would be well able for it but I have a good job (yes Miss_Taken I wouldnt give that up) and I dont drive but I wouldnt mind helping out with events if that is possible

Coughdrops, I can see where your coming from, I know people who had to borrow but I think it paid off for her but if your own class is closing then you would be a little apprehensive
Orla I got those yoghurts in Dunnes but I have saw them in tesco and Supervalu too :)

It does seem like a lot of hard work to be a consultant. Think mine has a few classes a week then she probably has to prepare for the class and like what she is going to talk about etc. she also bring in items of food and sometimes stuff she has made for us to try!
I got the feeling from my own consultant that a lot of her work is after weigh in days and she told me she is always kept going. I think they have to report to the head office in Dublin every so often and that could be every week (not sure), they also go on a lot of courses so that takes time and takes them away from their own weight loss plan.

When they bring in the items of food, it would be interesting to know if we have a taster night as well because I think it is the same night for everyone. Each week every consultant talks about the same topic and you can find this out by looking at the slimming world website ( and be prepared. We have one this Tuesday but it was meant to be last Tuesday because she was meant to crown biggest loser for our class but was too sick to do it so she is doing it this Tuesday instead and I have a fabulous cake I'm going to make (yes even in lent)
That is no problem, the more Irish on here the better, I'm from Athlone and have been attending the Athlone group since January 2013
Oh dear! Didnt feel like cooking much so thought I was great with dunnes basmati express rice in microwave for 2 mins. I had some chicken & mixed veg.
I thought all free now just after looking at packet of rice and see veg oil as ingredient so I checked it up and I got 18syns per pack. I'm really annoyed at myself now I have gone completely over my syns and I was keeping so well on track :(ImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1394473801.757366.jpg


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