Gold Member
I loved the people who got it all and gave it to the homeless shelter, that was so thoughtful. X
I didnt see that 1. Did u c the 1 where she had to arrange them all and take a pic to put in her photo album.x
I loved the people who got it all and gave it to the homeless shelter, that was so thoughtful. X
I didnt see that 1. Did u c the 1 where she had to arrange them all and take a pic to put in her photo album.x
Nooooo? Now that's OCD lol x
She made her hubby arange them all pretty and take the pic. She then used to sit down with her kids and luk thru the album of her best shops.x
Now that's sad! Although I have to say that Poppy loves a good reduction lol x
Theres nothing wrong with a reduction hun but u dont have to b so extreme like her.x
True! I could not afford for us to eat the amount of fruit and veg which we do without the reductions. We are still eating from last weeks haul! X
Thats amazin tho hun u do realy well and poppy loves it 2 so its win win.x
Good Morning TrinaHope u have a Good Friday and don't go doing yourself a mischief with all that furniture moving! X
Mornin hun. Oh i no il try to b gud and not move everythin.x
I fancy rearranging my bedroom again.
But right now, the only way I can do that is by putting it back to how it was a few months ago.
I really would like to put my 2 chest of drawers into my built in double wardrobes, but I've got too much crap in the wardrobes ATM.
Am planning on doing a car boot with the boy in a couple of weeks, so need to start sorting out what I'm gonna take.
Most of my clothes will be going, so I won't need all the drawers soon - although I will be getting new clothes soon so they'll fill up the gaps haha
I Love rearrangin its theraputic haha. Yeh wen you have sorted all your clothes then sort your bedroom. maybe do 1 draw a day then wen u want to do the car boot u dont have the job to do all at once. I Like cleanin but i just hate doing the bathroom its my worse job i think id rather iron.x
I really love the idea of being tidy and organised, but like with my food - I've spent so many years building bad habits that by now, it's hard to break them.
I've managed to control the weight now (although it will be a life long journey of tracking because I know I'd easily put it back on again), now it's time to sort the stuff I've got.
I'm such an emotional hoarder though.
I'll be like "but such and such bought me that for my birthday 16 years ago" or "I might use that one day" and then nothing gets thrown out. Again - I don't like to see waste.
But I'll get there.
And if my room's tidy, then hopefully I'll find my coin from last year's birthday. So gutted I've lost it.
Just hope I haven't picked it up and accidentally spent it.
I'd be devastated
Hey Trina, Just checking in to check you haven't been crushed by a piece of furniture?!? X
No hun im goin strong. just spent 3 hours upstairs just to tackle down stairs now.x
Blimey! Your house is gonna be a Palace when you finish! I've done nothing lol x
I do it every day but sumtimes i just needs a gud scrubbing.x