(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
It wudnt hapen to me haha.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
U just never know ;-) x
It wudnt hapen to me haha.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
I want to pig out soo badly 2day. I need willpower!! Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
Don't do it you will instantly regret it xx
Aww girlies your so lovely. Jo i no what u mean. Im sat with my hot water bottle fire blazing watchin towie. Ive had my treat 4 2nite and nothin else. Serena hunny i had a word with myself and stuck 2 fingers up at the kitchen and made a cup of tea. To tel u the truth tho the craving passed after half hour. Yay go me.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
Yeyyyyyy! Go Trina Go Trina Go Go Go! So Proud of you SweetieThats my BFF! X
Aww thats so nice thanx hun. Wel i no the firs wk wil b hard but after that i should b bk into the swing of things.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
Definitely, ill have you Swinging again in no time at all ;-) x
Haha serena swingers.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
I like to Swing to the Dark Side sometimes but nothing could of tastes as good as fitting in those jeans today! X
Im not suprised. I think il need tena when i can get in a size ten jeans with no muffin.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
Mmmmmmmmmmm Muffin! Lol! X
Haha u wudnt say that at mine.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app
Lol! There's still 4 Gruffalo Cupcakes, you coming to get yours or not ;-) x
Totaly. Can i have sum of your fruit and nut 2.x
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using mobile app