IsleMissy's diary

Well done on your losses so far!
Today's Diary

Well haven't had a great week. Never realised how much little free time I have.
I have managed the Gym one this week and AquaFit one night.

Food wise been not too bad. Had a couple of biscuits after a busy day shift on Thursday.

Yesterday was chaotic, started day with appointment at 9.30.
Dropped my Mother off at Hairdresser
supermarket shop, Picked Mother back up.
Home for just over an hour to put everything away and have some lunch.
Picked my Mother and her friend up and dropped them off at bowling club.
Hair appointment, which took forever as usual!!
Home for quick shower @ 4.15
Meeting at 5pm for 30 mins, which then lasted over an hour!
Went to airport to pick up Husband, Plane late.
Got home at 7.30 quick change and off to nightshift for 8pm :sigh:

I need a holiday!!!!!
Today's diary

Today's diary.


Magic Porridge (HEXB)

Lentil Soup (1 Sin)


Steak Pie (Small bit of Pastry, not sure of sins prob don't want to know):(
2 Small new potatoes (HEXB)
Peas (0.5)

Mullerlight Yogurt


Had good day apart from small bit of Pastry but so nice;)

Will probably have the same tomorrow, as my son never came home to eat his steak pie.

Also did 45 mins in the Gym. :D