Talks to self!
Lots of catching up to do!
EmmyR1984 said:What are the greek style yoghurts like? I haven't tried them yet.
Sorry tea was rubbish yesterday
Hope your weekend is going well x
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Only another 80 posts? ish!
I got the greek muller lights yesterday, absolutely love the coconut ones
Don't feel bad about other's diaries, I get totally baffled sometimes at which ones I've been to and which ones I haven't. I have to go to settings and then open each diary in a new tab so I know which people I've checked in on :giggle:
Hope you have a great weekend xx
Hope all is well with you xx
Hi Stevie
Had a great weekend away thanks! Don't mind admitting that i didn't do well at all..lets just say it was mainly a liquid diet...The times i did eat, we shared a pizza, pot of kebab meat and some chocolates. Not good!
Not beating myself up though as i hardly ever go out, but straight back on it todayhope you had a nice weekend! x