It all starts now...!

Wednesday 1st February 2012

Thanks girls! Woke up still happy today J Dinner today was a bit oops :/ Hate my workplace for dinner etc as some days of the week it’s just impossible to eat my own stuff. I do clinical admin at a company what does psychotherapy and counselling. Anyway, there’s nowhere for us to eat our dinner..which I’m sure must be illegal. There is a café, but because it’s open to the general public we have to buy stuff from there. On the quiet days, I’m able to go and sit in one of the spare therapy rooms but when they’re all full, I have no choice to go to our café. In summer I’ll just go outside and walk/eat but its bludy freezing today. Random rant there..but it really frustrates me!!

Fresh Pineapple

Bacon, Brie and Onion Chutney Panini with side salad (I left the crisps..hurray!)
Fook me just checked the damage L (Brie HEX A, Panini 12, Chutney 2)

Baked Potato with Tuna and Lighter than Light Mayo served with Salad
EDIT: Change of Mam suprised me by making something out of the EE cook cook! Some pasta thingy which was 1.5 sins

Will have to come up with something to have with scan bran as I’m doing the challenge (HEX B) Otherdays I’ll be able to make it edible but with my syns accounted for, looks like I’ll be chewing it with cottage cheese.
Syns- 15.5
Will do an hour on the wii..probably one of the Just Dance games.
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Another ok day :) think I'm getting into the swing of things now! Feeling a bit depressed though. Went to town to find a new dress for my friends 21st but no joy :( I can still buy stuff in "normal" shops but it's so hard to find something to suit my shape. Gonna try again at the metro centre..oh to be a size 10!!!


Fruit and fibre (HEX B) milk (Half of HEX A)


Chicken salad sandwich in wholemeal bread (will update with syns)


Jacket potato with beans and cheese (Half HEX A) served with salad


Scan bran with 30G cadburys Philadelphia YUM!! (4.5)



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Oops- kind of disappeared over the weekend! The good news is that i didn't go off plan or anything haha, just busy :) Tried a couple of new recipes. Made the mushy pea curry on Friday night..O M G what have i been missing?!?!?! I had it with SW chips and was totally amazed- just like normal curry.

Today i made some chicken noodle soup from the EE book (yummy) and also the scan bran ferrero rocher style things (excuse the spelling)

Exercise has been non-existent over the weekend though - oops. Think I'm gonna go swimming tomorrow after work though. I HATE the walk from the changing rooms to the pool though..way self conscious!

Normal food diary shall resume tomorrow :) xx
Good afternoon! :)

What a cold day it is. Ridiculously icy too, nearly fell over countless times on my way to work. Trying to be extra careful today and tomorrow as would love to get my half stone award tomorrow eve!

2 weetabix (HEX B) with milk (Half HEX A)

Jacket potato with cheese (Half HEX A) beans and salad. Splash of dressing but seen as I didn't make it, I'll allow a couple of syns! Didn't touch the lurpak

Chicken noodle soup with plenty of hidden veg :)

Syns- 2


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Afternoon all

Done that naughty thing last night and stepped on the scales (mine always say the same as SW ones) and it looks like i've put on 1lb-1.5lbs which I'm a bit depressed about :( Really don't want to go tonight as it's going to be so embarrasing! "Joanne is here for her --- week with..a gain of --lbs" ARGH :( Forcing myself to go through.
It's just lack of excercise im thinking..went to go swimming last night and they they had the whole pool shut off for lessons. Was less than impressed! Onwards and downwards eh..? :rolleyes:
Going running straight from group tonight..I'm doing the C25K programme, on week 4 i believe.

Fruit and Fibre (HEX B) Semi Skimmed Milk (HEX A)

1 Choc & Orange Alplen Light bar (3)

Chicken Sandwich - 2 small slices of Hovis Wholemeal (6) Chicken, lettuce, cucumber and sweetcorn


Turkey meatballs in a tomato sauce with tagliatelle and sugarsnap peas

Syns- 9
Exercise- 30 mins C25K


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Really don't want to go tonight as it's going to be so emarrasing! "Joanne is here for her --- week with..a gain of --lbs" ARGH :(

Don't worry about that hun - your consultant is not their to embarrass you. When a member has a gain my consultant usually tackles it more in the way of "Stevie has been with us for ?? weeks and has lost a total of ??lbs so far"

There's no shame in a gain. And besides, you may be pleasantly surprised when you go to class tonight. Good luck xx
Hello! Just read through your diary :) I love the dress you're wearing on your first post! The green goes so well with your hair colour, looks gorgeous!! Don't worry about seeing a gain on your own scales, this is why we shouldn't hop on the scales unless it's our official WI because your weight can fluctuate throughout the week. It is hard though, I used to weigh myself every morning and evening!!!! Scales can be evil xx
Thanks girls :) well, half a pound on. Not disastrous but it shouldn't have happened! Setting myself a mini goal of 3lbs next week to try make up for it. I heard other people talking to their friends etc, quite a few put on so they left straight after they weighed in. I decided to face the music and stay and I'm glad I did! I enjoyed it :) done my C25K session straight after group then went back with Rosie to her and my brothers flat so he could take me home. She had bought last months magazine so I photocopied lots of recipes from that and the little recipe book that came with it.

Came home to a lovely tea- all syn free so I will update my earlier post now.

Looking forward to a 100% week with lots more exercise! Xx
Good Morning!

Well it wasn't a great start to the day..majorly slept in and woke up 15 minutes before I have to leave the house to catch the metro! Going round to my brother and his girlfriends place tonight (Who I'm doing SW with) She's invited some of her friends round and she's going to cook us a feast- all Sw friendly I hear!

Mint Muller Light (All i had time for!)


Chicken Sandwich- 2 slices wholemeal bread (HEX B) chicken breast, lettuce and cucumber
Alpen light bar (3)
Apple and Grapes
Snack a Jacks (5)

2 x nairns oatcakes (4) with philli (HEX A) and smoked salmon
Coronation chicken salad- only syns were the sauces (2)

Syns- 14
Excercise- 1 hr walking
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Ooh sounds good! I wonder what she'll be cooking. I hate getting up late!! Its horrible having to rush around! Random question - are you from the north east? Just wondered as you mentioned the metro haha. My OH is from Sunderland/Durham way :)
Ooh sounds good! I wonder what she'll be cooking. I hate getting up late!! Its horrible having to rush around! Random question - are you from the north east? Just wondered as you mentioned the metro haha. My OH is from Sunderland/Durham way :)

Hiya! Not long home and i was perfectly good tonight :D Shall go back and update today's diary. I am indeed :p I'm from Newcastle!
Ah lovely! He keeps trying to make me move up that way but it's too cold haha!! I think he only wants to move for the footy anyway ;)
Ah lovely! He keeps trying to make me move up that way but it's too cold haha!! I think he only wants to move for the footy anyway ;)

Ha! I hope he's not a Mackem fan?! ;)
Afternoon :)

What a horrible day it is today! My area especially is really bad and all the pavements and roads were covered in a layer of black ice this morning- virtually skated to the metro and nearly fell over so many times!


Vanilla muller lite
Fruit- grapes, kiwi fruit and strawberries


Alpen light bar (3)


Tuna mayo jacket potato (1) with salad- lettuce, cucumber, tomato, sweetcorn and red onion

Orange&passionfruit j20- had such a craving! (6.5)


Chicken and leek pie- included sweet potato, white potato, carrots, peas, leaks and mushrooms

Served with broccoli and green beans.

Syns- 10


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Good Morning!

Happy Friday! :D I'm extra happy as I've took holiday from work for all of next week...wooohoooo! I'm worn out so looking forward to a break. It will also mean I can have a solid week of doing proper SW means- breakfast and lunch are hard for me to get right on most work days. I've committted the biggest SW crime just now and had...a Pain au Chocolate from Tesco Bakery! Arghh! Colleague brought them in, I said no 2 times and she forced it on i ate it..oops!! I'm not worrying too much though, I used syns online and I'm just going with the highest amount (17) and having no other syns today, plus I'm out running tonight.


Vanilla Magic Porridge (HEX B) with a Banana


Tesco Bakery Pain au Chocolat (17)


Salad with Feta Cheese (HEX A)


SW Bacon and Butternut Squash Risotto

Syns- 17
Exercise- Week 4 Run 1 of C25K


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My timings go heywire on weekends, hence how I've only just eaten!

Brunch: Magic porridge pancakes (HEX B) golden syrup topping (2.5) served with fruit

Tea: Spinach and cheese cannelloni- has other veg in too! (HEX A for cheese)
Oops started eating before I took pic :p was SO good!


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