Total Solution It's my time :)

Well done naz, 19lbs in a month is amazing, you should be really proud of yourself!

Hol x
Hey Supersmiley, footie widow and hollyadele, thank you veryy much guysss! Your support keeps me going :) xxxxxx
Hey Naz - You are doing brilliantly and you must be feeling great.

I'm a bit behind on everyone's diaries, but plan to catch up this weekend.

Happy belated Anniversary to you!

Thanks Laura! You are doing brilliantly well yourself :D
Day 31

So as I was fasting and travelling, I had a reallly rough day. Coudnt stop thinkinh about food. Was sooo very tired. So far on exante I have never felt soo tired till nw. So I decided to have a break today. Even though I had only 1 meal + dessert,I sort of stuffed myself. Not proud of it at all, really feeling scared about going back on TS wondering if it will be harder, surely out of ketosis as well.
But as I have often dreamt of the amazing feeling I am going to have when I meet my family and the expression on all my relatives faces and all the reasons I am doing it , I will continue. I will get to goal. I have lost about 20 lbs ina month ( might gain a lil after today) and I am sooo happy for it,for the change I can see in my body even though I have another 50 to go. My aim was to lose about 7lbs more by the end of July and I am gonna work real hard to get to goal for the month.

I Am Going To Get To Goal!! I CAN and I WILL :D
Thanks brideizilla :) xx
Good evening Naz, just caught up with your diary. Belated congrats for your 5th wedding anniversary and well done on the 19lbs weight loss total for the month, amazing! :hug99: xx
Thankyou gigglepants!! I shd really learn to appreciate how much i have lost :eek:

How are you doing? Xxx
Day 36

So I have lost a total of 22 lbs in the past 5 weeks. I have not been 100%, I had a few days where I had non exante meals, precisely 4 meals. Not the healthiest either.
I am not sure why I am finding it harder to be 100%, I think I have started to think I have another 50 lbs to go that could be the reason. Or I am nervous about going back to work next week, training and exams etc. Or it could be the meals I had are making me hungrier. or it could be allll the above. I have always been an emotional eater, well happy or sad I eat...wish I was the type who couldn't eat when upset :rolleyes: Well I cant change that.

So to give myself a kick, I have started a 5 week challenge with the aim to lose another 20 lbs.

The Plan

1)going to go 100% TS for the next 5 weeks
2)I am going to try my best to avoid all social gathering for the next 5 weeks. Going to lie at my new work place and say I always have very light lunch (I am new there so they wont question it ,I hope) and if unavoidable family events then going to lie again (stomach bug maybe)
3) exercise for 30 minutes every day.

Hopefully by the end of 5 weeks I will have successfully completed the challenge. I should think of a reallly good (non food) reward. An added incentive will be my in-laws visiting in Sept (not sure when in Sept but hopefully late Sept so I can lose more ;) )

I can do it, I will do it, I can do it, I can do it.


I am going to surprise my in-laws in sept and my own family and relatives later in december.

I am going to be good healthy role model for my daughter, I am going to look good for my daughter's second birthday in November ( I look like a giant in her first bday pics) .

I am going to look good for my friends wedding in November

Ohhhhh and almost forgot I won a free photo session which is towards the end of August and if I lose the 20 lbs I will be less than the weight I was at my wedding 5 years ago (only by about 2 pounds) and feel better about my photosss :D Ideally I wish I could do the photo session sometime in Nov or Dec but its free so cant complain ;)

Need to keep reminding myselff all this again and again every dayyyyy xxxxx
Good evening. What a fab and motivational post Naz, you WILL do it!

I'm doing good thanks, put 4lbs on after my hols, but am back on Exante 100% focused and determined to reach goal! :D xx
Hey gigglepantsss, i cant believe i never noticed, you have the same target as me and we r the same height!! But you are sooooo much closer, 12 lbs to go is it? Or 8? I wanna be where you R now like NOW!! ;) Keep going, i am going to keep a check on you and see to it you get to goal , an inspiration to me :D does weight loss get harder as you get closer to goal?? Xxxx
Haha, I never realized either. See I can't do metric, I'm old school :D

I have 8lbs to get to target, was 4, but I put 4lbs on last week on my hols!

My losses are slow and low as I get closer to goal, but since my hols I just feel so much more positive that I will get there eventually xx
Day 42!!!

Cant believe I have been on exante for soo long. I soooooo wish I had found exante earlierrr . So tomm is weigh in for week 6 and I am already pleased with what I have lost so far and if I lose a little bit more for tomm, I will have lost 2 stonee!! (so crossing my fingers for tomm) .

Another happpppy newsss, I had measured myself about 5 weeks ago and I have losttttt 11 inchesss so far and 4 of that from my tummyyy :D I am soooooo over the moon :D This has given me more of an incentive to continue on 100%. I have a target of 16lbs for august and on reaching target I will weigh less than I did 6 yrs ago, less than what I weighed at my wedding :D. I am soooo looking forward to September ;) I hope I will get to goal for August. I want to get to target weight as soon as possibleeeeeee....being impatient now ;)

I also feel more positive everyday. Like something nice is happening,more happier,more lively, optimistic. Loving the feeling.

Still a bit nervous about starting work again on Friday. Previously, emotional eating would kick in and would have gained weight before I started work but now, I feel I am ok (shuould probably read up the study material so I am really ready ;) )

Weigh in tomm . All the best to meeee xxxx
Good afternoon Naz, snap! I'm forever saying how much I love this diet and how I wish I'd found it years ago, love it!

Good luck (not that you need it!) with your weigh in tomorrow and the very best of luck wished for Friday too xx
Thank you gigglepants and flubster!! *hugs*

As for work, even though I am nervous , am more upset about sending my daughter to nurseryfor 10 hours a day:sigh: have got to do what you got to do,i guess
Week 6 weigh in -5lbs !!! :D :party0011:Din't make it to 2 stones but I am well pleased with where I have got to at the moment :). I think I was at this weight more than a year ago :D

Have a target of 16lbs this month....fingers crossed I am going to make it, that will cover 2 of my goals: 2 stone loss and BMI out of obese range :D

WOW! Fab weigh in, bet you're floating :D Well done, you're doing amazing :woohoo: xx