I just worked out that I have 8 weeks top my final dress fitting, and take off a week for Xmas cheating, that's 7 weeks to shift this final stone. So, starting Sunday morning I am on this SS with a vengeance.
Same weight again today so no movement for a week, and I know I am being naughty and nibbling in the day and not drinking enough water. My mate is over tonight for a girlie gossip and bottle of wine, but my plan is to stick to rose which doesn't get me drunk, so I dnt get the munchies, drink a glass of water for every glass of wine, and take it real slow. And then tomorrow I am on SS and I am going to shift this stone
In other news, yesterday I signed up to a course in editing, proof reading and copy writing with components of web writing and journalism. I am quite excited, it's a new start and it's the direction I wanted to go in originally. I am going to take the time given by my redundancy and use it! Not waste it like I did the 2 years I had in maternity leave when each time I said I was going to do this course and never did.
Plus, I start some part time work with my SIL next week to see if I can do what she does. Not that I wouldn't be able to , but whether I like it and it pays enough. If it does, it's working from home to my own hours and perfect for childcare etc. but, it's a bit like signing up to work with DelBoy, so I need to watch her and make sure it's valuable to me.
So, one week of redundancy and I have a plan. Still looking at job sites though, in case something perfect comes up. You know, pays a fortune for cold friendly hours! Lol, as if!