It's now or never

LOL - it's just my mum. I guess we all get used to them nagging :D:sigh::D:sigh:

Anyway, she is looking after the kids, waiting on me due to my ankle and cleaning the house for me so can't complain :D

Actually the ankle is much better today - hobbling along quite easily. A lovely bruise is coming out, it currently looks like my foot has jaundice, it is so yellow.;)

Anyway, to the diet. Well, today I am 1 pound down again, which puts me at my new lowest weight and 1 pound below where I was before my weekend off - so if that makes sense I had 3 days of naughty, followed by 3 days of diet to get back to the start. You could call that 6 wasted days, :sigh: but since I had a fab time at the wedding I am quite happy about this one :D

And I now have 8 full days before my birthday so can I do 1 pound a day . . . :rolleyes::rolleyes: Well, thats the aim.

Have to say the drinking water s a lot easier in this hot weather too - I am chugging it away. And yesterday my mum was sitting in the sun with a Pimms, I have a brief debate with myself and decided that one Pimms was not worth putting off another days diet, so stuck to it. :D
Well done on holding off on those Pimms -- I had to look them up to know what they were! :eek:

It's good to read that your ankle appears to be getting better and that, despite her comments about your diet, you mother is nice enough to help you out during your time of need :)
Well done Egbert. Keep going. Hope your foot is a lot better before you go on holiday. Was it a camping trip? I HATE camping. :-(
LOL Cee - it is a camping trip. Our 1st one as a family and my 1st one since I was a kid. Should be a laugh - or a massive week long row between me and OH!

Foot is getting much easier, although I think I am pushing it a bit :)

Oops - just ate a packet of Skips, but they are only about 85 cals so not too bad! I have had mad cravings all day :( OH has just got home from work and popped down to the pub for a bit - I don't mind because he has been working 5am till 830 pm all week, but I am missing my own glass of wine. I decided the crisps were the lesser of 2 evils :)
Oh dear :cry: had a bad day yesterday, serious munchies. No idea why as I should be in ketosis. I did try to stick to ketosis foods, so I had

A packet of skips, a lump of cheddar and cucumber, a packet of sweets:rolleyes:

I have put a pound back on:mad:

Well, today is another day, but why on earth does my body react to every tiny little bit of food. This doesn't bode well for when I come off SS if I can put it all back on so fast:mad::wave_cry:
You'll get that lb off in a day. Is TOTM approaching? I know I get like that when I'm almost due. I just want food. Not for hunger. Just feel the need to eat or I get really moody. Keep going hun, don't give up like SOME people (me) lol!
You're only putting it back on quickly because you're breaking away from SS abruptly. When you're done you'll come off SS slowly and carefully and it will all be fine.
It's just the water, dont worry!

Thats the by-product of coming in and out of ketosis I am afraid, and the sugar from the carbs, your body goes "oooh the famine is over - store that glycogen boys" which is why the mysterious pounds appear, they also appear if you ARE in ketosis but do not drink enough water, because your biology will fight starvation, and so as you are burning fat for fuel, it will then think - heck this is serious now, I am also not getting enough water, SLOW DOWN THE EXCRETION KIDNEYS....hey presto water retention. Glug - Glug - Glug especially when you are playing Keto-ping pong!

Now on the subject of your mother - is she related to mine?
Sorry about that pound Egbert!! When you come off the diet slowly, you will be able to maintain your weight.

I hope your foot continues to improve and that camping does not harm it!
It's just the water, dont worry!

Now on the subject of your mother - is she related to mine?

It's a mothers job to nag, be rude to their kids and irritate. :D:DI am so sure of this I am taking notes to be sure I do a good job for my own kids. ;)

I do love her though. She never stops looking after us all. :D
Hmm. Very likely or is water then. I had trouble getting enough water down. :mad: I will have to try again today. 1 .5 lb to hot the 12 mark.:rolleyes:

Well can't lie abut in bed all morning. Decorating the kids room today! :eek:
I am not feeling the love today. I have no energy, I feel like just lying in bed today and ignoring OH. Since he has been on the prescription stop smoking pills things have been crap. Week 1&2 was just anger, week 3 he was depressed and now he is just arsy.

He says he is coming out of the grumpy stage and feel good, but all I get is irritability, short temper and snappiness. There is no love or affection - I warn you now these pills stop all sex drive dead - he just comes home late from work (to be fair he is working extra lng hours too ) growls at me, shouts at the kids, watches tv and sleeps. This weekend is just moan or ignore me. I feel like I am living with a lodger, not the man who supposedly loves me.

We are meant to be getting married next year, he suggested it but I feel like ever since I have been the one to take it seriously, I made him tell our parents, I am doing all the looking into it. Since he suggested it - and I say suggested because he hasn't actually proposed yet - I dnt think he has brout it up since. In fact, although he wanted to get married I feel like I am pushing him into it.

Just not feeling any love, not feeling like a couple right now. Not feeling like even bothering to make my shake, not feeling like getting out of bed at all.
And to add to it, I am being made redundant in nov, I have no idea what I will do, there are no jobs nearby that pay anything like I am on now, I can't afford much less if I work full time as it won't cover child care. I may become a housewife for a few years which is just not me, I like to be out working with people and earning my own spending money.

oh says I dint seem very worried about it all, but I can't work out how I feel. Kinda numb and no where to go. 12 years working hard to be where I am and nothing to show for it,no qualifications, just experience that is too specialised for my local area. And I want a complete change of scene anyway.

No idea where to start
Hmm, and after re reading all of that moaning, now thinking I may have PMT.
Hey!!!! I want the funny, positive and realistic Egbert back!!! We're all allowed a moan every now and then so you have every right but don't let it get you down for too long. Wish I knew what to say too. Things eventually work themselves out so just stay positive. And as far as your OH is concerned.....,,, there's a saying that goes ' a person isn't who they were during your last conversation, they're who they've always been throughout your relationship'
My OH gets PMS!! I'm sure he has at least one ovary. He has mood swings every 2 weeks. For 2 weeks he'll have high libido, he'll clean the house, be very cheerful and loving etc then the next 2 weeks he's like a woman with PMS. Snappy, moody, complaining, sloppy, lazy with no desire for IT! Lolol! :-D it's a constant cycle.
Sending you soft warm nice smelling hugs xxx
Morning ladies. Thanks for your replies;);)

I have always found it amazing what lovely people you can meet online, total strangers who take the time to be part of your life;):)

Well, after getting very fed up with Mr Grouchy yesterday and being told to stop talking to him, I did exactly that:D. I can be very literal ;). So I got in my car and went to do the shopping, leaving him with both kids, without saying a word, for 2 hours. Then I came home, delivered the groceries and went out with SIL for another hour :D.

When I finally got home he just carried on chatting to me as if the morning had never happened, that's his way of ending an argument, but was much nicer all day:D

Then as an added bit of karma, he lost his van keys and we spent 4 hours searching the house and not finding them:mad::D

All is good today, well, no keys, but I am back to feeling happy with life.:D 4 more days at work then 2 weeks off with my kids for the summer. Theme parks, days out, decorating and camping planned:D

Oh, amid a naughty weekend next week for my birthday - everyone wish for sunshine:):):)
I will be having a naughty Saturday night this weekend because that is my birthday! Yay for August babies :D:D:D

Usually I have to leave my OH alone for a while too if we've had any issues. Pity about those car keys, hopefully they turn up.

I also love the folks here on minimins. Minimins has totally been my rock this summer.