can't claim to be virginal for much these days texty lol.
Dizzy I just don't like shopping - never have! Altho I don't mind on ocassion if I can go with my best friend on a week day when it's less busy, but we need to be looking for something specific.
I'll dig out the red dress over the next few days and take a piccy
LOOOOOOK at what I just made!!
View attachment 96958
scan bran fererro rocher style mini bites
the mix was 18 syns, and I have made 45, so 5 for 2 syns. I used the teaspoon end of one of those plastic measuring spoons to get them that shape, just plopped the mix in and compacted it slightly with a spoon then upside down I tapped it with my fingernail and they all slid out no probs! yum yum, think that's my saturday chocolate fix taken care of.....