Gold Member
dress looks lovely. I suffer with boobs aswell grrr... if your not feeling the dress (you shouldn't cz its lovely) how about a high waisted skirt with a nice top. I like that look
Thanks texty, you are right I know. When I went to the theatre last week with my friend I wore my long denim skirt with a nice top and a bit of make up and I did feel like I looked better.
I'll see down the line how it looks
Well today is weigh in day, and I have lost 1lb, which should be nice but it kinda means that after my 1lb gain last week I feel like I have stood still for 2 weeks, but it's better than still being that 1lb up or worse. So onwards we go.... I'm thinking about my week ahead and I have a BBQ to attend at a friends house on Sunday but no other plans at the moment.
So how does sticking to 12 syns per day sound up until then? meaning 8 going sort of spare plus the 15 for Sunday. I'm gonna try that anyway, I am also thinking about perhaps having a couple of success express days thrown in, I don't think I could do a full week of it but maybe a couple of days would be ok. I need to do something as I feel I need a boost. I only need to lose 3lb's to get to my mini target of 12st 7, at which point I will feel I have broken the back of the 12's.
loopy husband set alarm for 5 so he can be up and go to a 7am training session 25 miles away. Then later he is working 1400-2130, he's loopy but I do admire his ability to train and his motivation and determination.
Hooligan baby woke up at 0515, I popped in to settle him but he wasn't stuck on his tum like usual, anyway he went quiet for 20 mins and then I just had to get up. Poor baba was still tired tho as it was up got him dressed and nappy changed, bottle of milk and he was falling asleep in my arms so he was down for a nap by 0640.
Got a coffee morning today in aid of the preschool nursery so I'll need to avoid cake, but that's ok. I'll just turn up and have a cup of tea, make my little contribution and head on my way. My baby group is also on today so it clashes but if I only stay for 15 mins and then carry on to my group I should get the last hour.
I pondered jumping on the treadmill this morning, but I hadn't planned it so I don't think I was mentally prepared. Going to do it tonight though.
breakfast has been scan bran cake (3syn) yog, strawbs and blueberries. I think my breakfasts are usually success express friendly anyway so I wouldn't need to change it.
yeah it would feel much more restrictive, but I'm thinking if I maybe did 1 day SE today, a normal tomorrow, SE friday, normal over the weekend, SE Monday and then normal through to WI that might feel ok? Especially when I Know it's only one day at a time. I will have a think this morning about what meals would work well with it. I'm going to try that and see what happensI didn't mention but it's also gymnastics night for my daughter so we'll be out for that later too and I'll likely nip to tesco whilst she is there, so definitely a busy one lol. Less time to think about snacking! Sorry to hear you had another difficult night
have you tried any of the sleep training tips there are? I'm guessing you must have xxx
I do normally use all my syns Brittany! maybe that is my problem haha. Hubby is a bit loopy with training, but the fact is he is at a level with his martial arts training that he has to travel to get the training he wants. He could actually compete but although it makes me sound like an unsupportive wife I don't want him to. It's not just the idea of him getting hurt although I do hate that - I couldn't watch him fight. The fact is if he was injured we really can't afford for him to need time off work, and he would need to up his training, if he gets the promotion we are hoping for at work he will be doing 48 hours/week and at least half of those are evenings and weekends, he needs to spend time with the children (and me lol) Thankfully he seems ok with this. Ultimately if he came home and said he really wanted to then I'd obviously not try to stop him, but I'd be expecting him to outline specifically how much time he was going to commit to training and how he was going to work it around spending time with us. I don't know why I just spilled out all that justification lol but there it is.
I've just used my last green tea with mint tea bag, deffo need to stock up on those.
lol I just answered on your thread thinking there might be a link, but maybe not lol, I guess you will know when she wakes if she is in pain or not. It's hard knowing what to do and sometimes I think they just get into the habit of being awake. You're right though it's not enough sleep for either of you
I was strict with the whole bedtime routine thing with both of mine from really young, probably around 6-8 weeks or so, but I've been lucky that they both responded well. I obviously was still doing night feeds then but was religious about making it *just* a feed, no talking or playing and I used a reading light so it was still really dim in the room. I'm sure all those things did help, but I know there is a big dash of luck mixed in there as well. I'm also not assuming it's all done with, at 8 months old I know my son could turn around and stop sleeping at some point and then who knows what to do lol. Kids are certainly tricksy!
no I couldn't do SE every day I know I would snap!
Lynne, I really do think there is an element of luck involved there are a lot of smug people out there who just think they 'did it right' and yes there are things that help but I still believe some babies just won't sleep. It is possible though if she is needing less feeds now that it is a habit she has formed so hopefully she will grow out of that soon.
Right I'm thinking for lunch I will make soup, it's bound to be success express? I was planning on lentil but there was no celery at the shopsoooo now I'm thinking butternut squash soup, so I'll be off to chop in in a minute