becoming a happier, healthier me
07/11/2014 - Extra Easy Day
Back on track today!!! It's also my first 'keeping in touch' day at work today
I'm doing one day a week until January, when I will return full time and Emilia will go to nursery :cry:
Breakfast - banana, 1 Mullerlight Vanilla with Dark Chocolate Sprinkles yoghurt
Lunch - 3 Ryvita Sweet Onion (hexb) topped with 4 Laughing Cow Blue Cheese Triangles (hexa) and cherry tomatoes
Dinner - Pasta n Sauce Cheese Leek & Ham (1) with 2 Quorn Low Fat sausages and carrots, green beans, sweetcorn and peas
Other - splash of skimmed milk in 4 cups of tea (2), 1 Granny Smith apple, 2 Mini Milk ice lollies (3)
Total Daily Syns - 6/10
Total Weekly Syns - 6/70
Back on track today!!! It's also my first 'keeping in touch' day at work today
Breakfast - banana, 1 Mullerlight Vanilla with Dark Chocolate Sprinkles yoghurt
Lunch - 3 Ryvita Sweet Onion (hexb) topped with 4 Laughing Cow Blue Cheese Triangles (hexa) and cherry tomatoes
Dinner - Pasta n Sauce Cheese Leek & Ham (1) with 2 Quorn Low Fat sausages and carrots, green beans, sweetcorn and peas
Other - splash of skimmed milk in 4 cups of tea (2), 1 Granny Smith apple, 2 Mini Milk ice lollies (3)
Total Daily Syns - 6/10
Total Weekly Syns - 6/70
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