Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

Jaly said:
When I look at myself in the mirror, I barely see any difference at all but I can definitely feel it in my clothes etc.. my fingers especially! i always notice my fingers feel a lot skinnier - anyone else noticed this or is it just one of my weird observations? :)

It's weird about what we see in the mirror isn't it! As I'm the same! Lost over 3 stone and struggle to see a difference. But once I'm wearing clothes I can see the change. And fingers??? That is weird! My fingers are the same size. My wrists are tiny now! I had to get links removed from things when I was big. But even more now!!

Stay positive. You look fantastic and I hope you see the difference eventually!
When I look at myself in the mirror, I barely see any difference at all but I can definitely feel it in my clothes etc.. my fingers especially! i always notice my fingers feel a lot skinnier - anyone else noticed this or is it just one of my weird observations? :)

'They' reckon it takes a while for the brain to catch up with the body! Have you any 'before' photos? If you look at them alongside the 'after' one you might see it more. Not noticed that my fingers feel slimmer, but I know they are, because I've had to move rings around when they got too loose. I always lose weight off my wrists first though - even with 8 stone plus to lose, it goes off my wrists first, and my wrists are small anyway!
Jaly said:
When I look at myself in the mirror, I barely see any difference at all but I can definitely feel it in my clothes etc.. my fingers especially! i always notice my fingers feel a lot skinnier - anyone else noticed this or is it just one of my weird observations? :)

I haven't worn rings for ages but when I've lost weight in the past I have lost from my fingers,my face used to be the first place I'd lose it,not sure this time around plus tummy has a way to go yet.At least you can see it in your clothes so that's good,before hand pictures would be good for you to compare to as 'Mamma moon' says :0)
Jaly said:
When I look at myself in the mirror, I barely see any difference at all but I can definitely feel it in my clothes etc.. my fingers especially! i always notice my fingers feel a lot skinnier - anyone else noticed this or is it just one of my weird observations? :)

I know what you mean about fingers, my wedding ring is getting loose :-( xx
Today: Day 2 or week
Weeklies used: None - 49/49 remaining
Pro-points used: 32/32pp
Calories: 1475

Breakfast: 2pp/190cal

Fat-free yog (1), cornflakes (1), banana (0), frozen berries (0)

Lunch: 7pp/330cal

Bacon sandwich (another one!!) in wholemeal bread with butter (7)
Brussels/cauliflower/green beans (0)

Afternoon Snacks: 6pp/209cal

Wafer cone (1), vanilla ice cream (2), ice pop (0), pear (0), cornflakes (2), semi-skimmed milk (1)

Dinner: 7pp/249cal

2 slices margherita pizza (7)

Dessert: 5pp/182cal

Mcvities lemon cake (5) - delicious! 3pp for 1 slice, 5pp for 2 slices.. why not have two! :p Definitely a contender to WW cake bars as you get a pretty decent sized piece! :p It's very moist as well (that's what she said.. badum-tish! (you people are a bad influence on me! :p)

Supper: 5pp/209cal

Cereal bar (2pp/85cal)
Bacon wheat crunchie crisps (3pp/124cal)


2 hours walking, few minutes abs exercises, 90min karate lesson
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Jaly said:
It's very moist as well

You've been thinking about mamma moon naked and me bra less haven't you LOL XX
Jaly said:
Bought some sweets in Tesco but will save them for when I really fancy a treat :) Just had a bacon sandwich with a brown baguette still warm from the oven... delish! 4th bacon sandwich in 5 days though, opps! :p (and now I've ran out of bacon..!)

Oh nom to the bacon sandwich,no wonder you have run out lol..what sweets did you get?