We lost KD. Hope she is OK?
After watching that, I certainly don't need to see my insides in order for me to change.... and it showed that even if you're relatively slim you can still be extremely unhealthy (forced my hubby to watch that bit as he thinks he's God's Gift because he's only 12 stone!)
Brilliant programme! Very well presented. Now we just need more programmes on how to cook healthily....and I don't mean just for weight loss, I mean what a normal weight person should eat.
If anyone has £500 to spare, a Lifescan will show the internal fat. A few friends have had them as part of a MOT.
Scary or what...?
Good. We found you. Thought you might have flaked out at the autopsy. LOL
Did you see. 'Cook Yourself Thin' last night? I hadn't seen it before but it was interesting.
That's something Paisley has often said on here. Being slim doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy.
Jamie has become such a champion for healthy eating!!
And so much better than Gillian McKeith's programmes. We need realistic programmes on what to buy and how to cook it. Not impossible lettuce diets that none of us would ever contemplate! I am sure we will be seeing such programmes. I just hope I don't have nightmares about that dead man tonight!
Ooo where did they get that done... i'm interested in getting my basal metabolic rate tested and somewhere that does that scanning might offer that aswell...
ave recorded it. Might watch it...might not. Trouble is, I don't want to Cook Myself Thin I want to Cook Myself Normal
If you haven't seen this programme....find it anyway you can and WATCH IT! If you're serious about your weight, can't find the motivation or just can't stop yourself from having your goodies....WATCH THIS PROGRAMME!!!!
Exactly. Whenever programmes are on talking about healthy food, they tend to really be talking about ways of eating that help you lose weight.Exactly...that tomato sauce that he whipped up was fab and extremely quick. Definitely need more programmes about good, wholesome and natural foods that promote good health.
My CDC maintains on a SW type of diet.