JanD heading towards 2 years :o)))

Quadruple ooops ;) x
Lol at the ooping!! Glad your son enjoyed it and forgot things even if it was for a short while :) x
Well I sincerely hope it's not as a result of the V&Cs (ie. dehydration) but I weighed in at 9st 13.6lbs this morning! :D:D A loss of 2.4lbs.

Fingers crossed it stays off & isn't a fluke! It's my birthday on Sunday though ..... hmmmmmmmmmmm. xx
Hahhaaa.............voice I was thinking of Jan.

I love psychic nights,

I find all this stuff really scary! I once watched a film on TV called A woman in black. I've never been able to find this film again, perhaps I got the name wrong, but I tell you I was haunted for weeks and months, never again I will watch a film like that.:D
Well I sincerely hope it's not as a result of the V&Cs (ie. dehydration) but I weighed in at 9st 13.6lbs this morning! :D:D A loss of 2.4lbs.

Fingers crossed it stays off & isn't a fluke! It's my birthday on Sunday though ..... hmmmmmmmmmmm. xx

I really admire you Jan, firstly for losing all that weight now being able to maintain it, well done:D
Thank you :)

I've not heard of that particular film but they're made to scare you. I can't watch them either! That's not what it's like at all! :D x
Jan thats brilliant!!!! :party0049: well done :) x
Nice one jan, hope it stays down for u :) x x
Well done on the loss Jan, that's fantastic! Under 10 stone, go you!!

Psychic Sally sounded good. I've always wanted to go to one of those shows, perhaps this year is the year to do it!
Thanks guys :)

Go for it Bev :)xx
Well done on the loss Jan, brilliant stuff - bet you are well chuffed to be under the 10 stone.....woohoo.

Glad you and DS enjoyed psychic Sally.
Tuesday 31st May

Breakie - vanilla mousse

Lunch - Tomato & basil soup

Tea - slow cooked chicken, spinach & green beans with balsamic

wine :eek: xx
Looking good today Jan :) Why the face over the wine?! Shouldnt it be this one :drool: x
LOL! HaHa! I just feel I shouldn't have drunk the 2 nights but what the hell! ;) xx
Grumpy head on this morning :( I didn't get my slow 'coming to' time when I woke up. Sometimes I can cope with that but sometimes I feel grumpy for the rest of the day! AND I start work tonight GRRRRR!

I'm off to my art class at 1.30 for a few hours so hopefully that'll be good and relaxing like it was last week and will sort me out :eek:

Wednesday 1st June :eek:

Breakie - Banana mousse

Lunch - Thai chicken exante soup

Tea - Smoked haddock with carrots, baby sweetcorn & asparagus xx

Slice roast pork before I left for work
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Oh no :( isn't it horrible when we have mornings like that! Hopefully the art class chills you out a bit xxx
I'm the same about the sleep thing! I turn into such a grump!
Have a lovely time at your art class :)
Much more chilled now ta :) Tired tho'. Who'd believe you can spend 3 hours working on a dog's nose! ;) (I'm doing a Basset Hound in pastels btw :)) xx
I was wondering why you were doing something to a dogs nose so glad for the explanation.
Glad you feel a bit more chilled :)
3hours on a dogs nose?!!!! :p Can we see pics of this dog when you are done?x