JanD's Maintenance Diary. Into the 2nd year :o)))

No no this isn't a white one!! Perish the thought!! ;) This is the one -
Rankin Selection Irish Brown Soda Bread ... nutritional values all there too. It isn't that it's 'bad' dietwise - far from it, it's just that it's too moreish as it's so nice. The slices are very small, as Tan says, too small to make a sandwich but I'm not altogether sure that's a bad thing ;). I think 2 slices with something in between might be a bit heavy anyway. I like it with nothing at all on it - it's that tasty :).

As I say - it's not that it's bad, in my case it's that I eat that, when otherwise I don't really eat bread all that much. If you do eat bread normally this would probably be a good choice (unless you want sarnies ;)) xx
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Sunday 14th November

Half covered digestive at Mum's :eek: (small one out of assorted pkt)

Breakie - Berries, ff from frais, sprinkling of Lizi's granola. That tiny crust finishing off the soda bread with phili light.


Tea - Baked smoked river cobbler with roasted cherry toms & green beans

3 oat cakes with hummus & phili light

work - chicken & cottage cheese salad & salad with balsamic, pear.

Edit ... All that talk of flippin' bread :( Slice white bread with vitalite and galic & herb soft cheese ... don't think I've had one completely 'good' day this week :( xx
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Thanks Jan, looks healthy and tasty, will try some next time get a tesco order. Will be nice with soup and for breakfast with cold meat, cheese and honey oh and a afternoon snack attack lol.
Sorry we made you munch some bread :giggle:
Not very diet friendly but really lovely
Here you go, my good old fashioned Irish Soda Bread
450g White Self raising flour
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/4 tsp salt
Sift all the above together three times to get plenty of air into the flour.
Add about 350mls buttermilk. Add a little more if it is too stiff. Mixture should be like a stiff cake mixture but not too dry.
Turn into a 2lb loaf tin
Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for 45-50 mins.

As a variation add a couple of ounces of sultanas and an ounce of sugar.

I'm drooling as I write!!!!

Ooooh - could this be done with wholemeal flour instead?

Jan dont be :( about not having 1 completly good day .... if you are maintaining and still having the odd bit here and there i see nothing wrong with it :D xxx
S10 - I don't need any encouragement ;) x

Thanks guys - I know what you mean ... trouble is I don't want to be maintaining I still have 4-5lbs holiday weight to get rid of. I know that's not much but if I don't get it off I'll just add to it!! I've got a weekend away (as you know ;)) before christmas - I'd really like to have lost that before then ...... **sigh**

Monday 15th November

Crust off wholemeal loaf toasted, with laughing cow light at Mum's :eek:

Breakie - Berries, ff from frais, sprinkling of Lizi's granola


Weighed when I got up - lost 0.4lb - better than nothing :)

Tea - Pollock a la bordelaise with cauli, carrots & vlf salad cream

Wine xx

Well done Jan :) Im sure you can do it if you put your mind to it! :D xxx
Ooooh - could this be done with wholemeal flour instead?
This is my fave brown bread. I allow myself a slice or two when it has just cooled down.
150g White Self raising flour
300g Coarse Wholemeal flour
30g Oat bran
50g mixed seeds(optional but I have sunflower/pumpkin/linseed)
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/4 tsp salt
Mix all the dry ingredients, lifting the spoon to get some air in the mixture.
Add about 350mls buttermilk. Add a little more if it is too stiff. Mixture should be like a stiff cake mixture but not too dry.
Turn into a 2lb loaf tin
Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for 45-50 mins.
Jan, you can knock of those few pounds in not time. Your food looks good. So, if you feel you are not losing why not cut back a little on portion sizes. I find these creep up a bit when I relax too much about watching what I am eating.
I know four or five pounds seems a lot to you but you really never let it stray any more than that which is why you are a great maintainer.
Have to add for tonight ...

pkt skips
3 oat cakes with ... phili light, cheese, egg & bacon sandwich filler all with a scrape of branston x
Yeah Jan, but even with your little nibbles, you are still having little losses like your 0.4 loss..........so you are like Molly says, A GREAT MAINTAINER.
Awwwwwwwwwwww thank yoooooooo :D:D:D xxx
***whispers*** had pkt of white snowies last night :eek:

Tuesday 16th November

Breakie - Berries, ff from frais, sprinkle granola

Lunch - LT Maintenance bar (seriously going off these)


Tea - Pork steaks cut up in a chilli, seed & nut tagine sauce, carrots & cous cous

V&Cs xx
Good day - but what are white snowies? ......... I am guessing they are a NICE treat with the whispers......haha.

Off into the other room now to watch Jungle with Maisey.....lol.

PS.....she is loving her food, She had pork chop, pots and gravy last night, and beef casserole, mashed pots and gravy tonight haha. She might need lipotrim soon..........but seriously, she is thin, so she needs fattening up a bit.
HaHa - what's with the human food??!!

White snowies are white choc buttons with sprinkles on :eek: xx

Edit - got rid of HUGE picture that was here as it was distorting the whole page x
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OOOPS - that's a bit big 'inni'? :eek: xx
:drool: They are FIT!!!!!!! Although here they are called frazzles! :giggle: x
Eh?? Thought they were crisps ??!!

Ooooops! I mean Jazzies!! :)