JanD's New Year, New Start, Maintenance Diary

Thanks Tan :)

The first 6 days was certainly harder but if I was getting/if I get the results it's okay now. I don't think I realised just how much it was those weekly weigh-ins that spurred you on and kept you going for another week!

I think my lack of energy/tiredness today is more to do with lack of sleep & demanding children ;)

I'm really hoping Mini is right about the fluid retention!! xx
Here he is - the man himself :D .... I'll shut up about it now ;) xx

Yup, weighing after a rubbish sleep is never good.

Brilliant photo Jan!! And please don't shut up about it - love to hear it all :)

How is he recovering? (that sounds like a bad thing doesnt it but you know what I mean hows his legs etc lol) x
Jan, make sure you get a good sleep tonight. Many many times on LT the scales did not move for me until the weigh in day. Don't know why but that's the way it happened.

I think if you're really not happy on exante then changing is a good idea. As you know, you have to be happy doing any diet cos you wont stick with it else.

Bringing in a meal souds a good plan. Sometimes the metabolism needs that kick to get going again. Sounds good!
Thanks Bev :) sincerely hope you're right about those scales!! xx

Jeff's slowly recovering Tan - He says it's as much about emotional recovery as physical and that no-one who hasn't done the London Marathon could possibly understand. It's specific to the London one apparently - the support from the crowd etc. He says if anyone has the least thought about doing a marathon they should do it and make it London - Says it's life-changing .... this from a real hard nut I might add!!
Go on Tan .. ;) - I'll sponsor you! xxx
Lol give it a couple of years and who knows!!!!! I guess it's the next reasonable step after the 1/2 isn't it!
Deffo!!!!!! :) xx
Oh Jan, fingers crossed for you for weigh in. I'm sure you must be down 2-3 lbs. If losses continue to disappoint, then you may need to rethink as you will drop 1-2 lbs a week on any healthy eating plan.
Well done to your son on his marathon effort.
Good luck for weigh in. Xxxxx
Mornin' all.

3lbs off :) ... enough to keep me TFRing for another week. Thanks for all your support. I wish I could stay off the scales in between :eek:

Back into the 10sts thank goodness 10st 11.8lbs now so 4.8 to 'official' target 8.8 to where I really want to be.

Once again thank you - I don't know what I'd do without this place and all of you **kiss kiss** **hugs** xxx
Fantastic Jan! Well done! And well done on being in the next stone - just the boost you need to keep going! x
Well done Jan!!! Big hugs xx

Glad you got the result that keeps you on track. Good for you.
So, so pleased for you Jan. Knew you would have a good one this week.

Glad you're still going to keep going for another week. Good on you!
Yaaaaaaay!!!! Well done Jan that's a brill loss & glad you are feeling much better today about it :)

:party0049: :party0049: :party0049: :party0049; xxx
Well done hun! When are you planning to refeed?x
Well done on your loss Jan thats FAB!!

Is 8st 8lb your goal? That is tiny!!!
Think she means 8.8 lbs? Well I hope!!!