I STS this morning at weigh in after my holiday to disneyland and my sisters party

, id had a sneaky weigh in after i got back from holiday and id put on 2lb so ive managed to shake that back off in time, im soooooo delighted i practically jumped off the scales this morning lol
me and my sister are training for a 5k run so we had our first session tonight of walking/running for the 30mins and although my legs and ankles are feeling it a bit just now mainly coz ive never even ran for a bus before..seriously! but i started it get into my stride and feel better for doing it...roll on thursday for my next session, god never thought id hear myself saying something like that lol
foodwise ive not been all that great today but it was weigh in day so ill be back on track from tomorrow.
breakfast - banana
Lunch - cheeseburger and small fries from mcdonalds
snack - 2 slice w/meal toast (B) with LF spread (3 syns)
dinner - beef stirfry made with quorn beef strips, noodles, stirfry veg and soy sauce/teriyaki marinade.
im gonig to have weetabix with milk tonight after my bath to use up my other 'b' and 'a' choice.
I STS this morning at weigh in after my holiday to disneyland and my sisters party
me and my sister are training for a 5k run so we had our first session tonight of walking/running for the 30mins and although my legs and ankles are feeling it a bit just now mainly coz ive never even ran for a bus before..seriously! but i started it get into my stride and feel better for doing it...roll on thursday for my next session, god never thought id hear myself saying something like that lol
foodwise ive not been all that great today but it was weigh in day so ill be back on track from tomorrow.
breakfast - banana
Lunch - cheeseburger and small fries from mcdonalds
snack - 2 slice w/meal toast (B) with LF spread (3 syns)
dinner - beef stirfry made with quorn beef strips, noodles, stirfry veg and soy sauce/teriyaki marinade.
im gonig to have weetabix with milk tonight after my bath to use up my other 'b' and 'a' choice.