Well done Westie, I know you were worried about that! And Sue P, that's great too, a goodly amount off!
re: the question on whether people are staying on to developers. I'm hoping to get to around 11st7lb, that is 4.5stone from my start weight. So I'm going to play it by ear really, I probably will do some time in developers but I really will see how I feel and how much I lose on fdn. If I lose 4 stone on fdn then I'll probably go straight to RTM but then spend longer in the earlier stages (if that makes sense) to lose that extra half stone. If I lose 3 stone, then I'll stay on developers..
But I'm actually considering a move to the exante plan (the shakes don't have aspartame!) but I think I might stick out foundation and then MAYBE move to the exante to take off any extra weight I still need to lose, and then do my own RTM (on the grounds I'm going to be away for most of the sessions anyway).
Anyway. I have WI in, ooh, 7 hours. It's 3am. Why am I here not in bed?!