Glad you have got your head in the right place Em you are well and truly in the "zone" now!
Sorry you are struggling loconnor but as TI said, remember why you wanted to do this in the first place and don't beat yourself up about lapsing, just put it behind you and try and learn from it and perhaps remove yourself from the situations that seem to be the common denominator when you lapse. BL posted a fab reply to Sexybecks today on the main board which was great, well worth a read and might help! Good luck with getting back on track.
Slow week for me 1.6lbs, no rhyme or reason to it as far as I know although did struggle with the water, who knows! We also did measurements again which was a great motivator as I have lost a total of 18 inches, 3 bust, 9 waist and 6 hips! Waahay!!!
Good luck for a great week everyone.
Daisydoll - wk 9 -3lb off -30lbs total - 23 to go
Emveg - W9 - 4lb off - 39lb lost - 20lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 9 - 1.5lb - ....28.5lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk9 - +1lb -- 24.5lb -- 17.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk9 - 4.5lb off - 34.5lbs total - 31.5lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 10 - 6lbs - 66lbs total 24lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 8 - 4lb off - 33lbs total - 48lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 10 - 1.6lb- Total 35.6lb - 54.4 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose