Step 1 Sole Source January 2015

There's some great support going on here hope it continues its nearly crunch time and for those who are already started keep going :)
Off to buy an ice blender today now :) thanks for the tip youll have to tell me hoe to make it so its thick. Its not gonna be like macdonalds but itll be next best lol x
OMG CHRISTMAS DID DO DAMAGE :( just got back to work weighed myself on clinical scales ive put on about 4 pound over a week ;/ o well lets see what the consultants scales come in at lol! Cannot wait 2 start this blinking diet!
Aww don't worry, christmas is the main time we all let go! My consultant admitted she had put on 3 pounds over Christmas but is now back on track and she will loose that in a week! We are all human :)
Things I've found most helpful is

Water Water Water. Lots and lots of it. I have a 600ml bottle at work, I try and drink at least 4 if not 5 of them in the day (2.4 l to 3l) and then a glass or two at home. I'm really not a big drinker of any sort. Before I'd manage on maybe a litre a day. It's hard work for me forcing down water, but it does get easier eventually - AND you stop running to the loo every 5 seconds as well.

I've used the water flavourings from the start. I do 1 teaspoon per 2 litres as I find it really strong otherwise. In work use Home Bargains Sugar Free Strawberry and Kiwi water - it's citric acid free so on plan. I water that down like squash because it tastes far to strong and sweet for me neat.

I found week one really easy. Sheer determination and will power, plus a few early nights got me through. Week 2 was hard as I felt so much better and wanted a treat - which is not the aim of the game. Since then certain weeks I've been in the zone and its been easy - others I've thought I wouldn't make it and really hated the thought of my next sachet - but gulped it down anyway!

I know most of my issues with food are mental, rather than physical. I've never been hungry on this diet, but I've often been mentally starving. When you eat not because of physical hunger but because mentally - I'm bored, I'm tired, I'm sad, everyone else is eating nice things and I feel left out and the like.

I know for me it's a long long road ahead and maintaining is going to be the major part. For me, I'll never be able to eat carbs in the way I used to again - I'm going to have to treat Pasta, Bread, sweets, chips as maybe a once a month thing. Most days I'm fine with that and then some days I throw my toys out of the pram with how unfair I think it all is! I know in the long run I want to loose it and KEEP it off.
CraftyLittleRat your results are brilliant so far, and totally agree it is the mental side that's the hardest, I feel in social situations if I'm not eating and drinking the same as everyone else I'm being a party pooper or letting people down but the only person I'm letting down if I don't stick to it is me!! It's all worth it in the end!!!
Thanks for the reply its really helpful to.know how people manage the diet! :) your doing great though like you say alot is mental side to it and thats gonna b my struggle :/ habit will be 2nd i think to stop putting yhings in my mouth ha but least its do able. And hope you stay on track :)
This is what im worrying about my partners bday on 11th jan and were going in football corporate box and his boss and family drink a lot so i feel left out so ive already deilled it in that im on water and thats that ill just drink it with ice maybe even take the juice you buy so i feel like im drinking :( but its worth so much more 2 be slim exactly like u say i just dont wanna feel boring like u say but im sure if i explain theyll understand they dont get it though loool! Maybe lookujg on here thru the day will help! X
Definitely these situations are hard and although it's enjoyable to have a drink, it's 10 times more enjoyable getting tons of compliments when you are looking slim fit and healthy after all this hard work!! I find it easier being quite casual about it like, yeah I'm just on a bit of a health kick, new year and all that, it's soon forgotten about what your drinking and everyone will just be enjoying the night! :) and like you say, check on here for motivation!!!
Bless i will do thanks
Hi there

A quick question for those who have done CD before - any tips on whats the best meals/shakes? Is the rice pudding nice?? thats one of my fav foods! so was rather excited to see it on the list of foods :)

Hiya :) personally my favourite is the choc and choc mint shake flavours, I've tried all the fruity ones and all are very drinkable but choc makes me feel like I'm having a treat and does tend to fill you up! I'm not normally keen on mushroom but chicken and mushroom soup seems to be the tastiest, there are a few new soups coming soon, tomato and basil which will be worth a go! Same I have not tried the rice pudding before so I have got that to try when I start on 1st Jan :) have you started yet miss_greedy or due to start in the new year?

Hi Ginabeany

I start on Friday 2nd Jan! all booked for my CD consultant to call around at midday :) One of my neighbours is also doing it with me - so should be good to support each other through it. I think i might try the rice pudding - and the choc shakes sound pretty good too :) have you tried the pre-prepared ones?

That's great! And so helpful that you have someone doing it with you! Unfortunately I have very slim friends and very slim mum so I am in my own when it comes to any diet lol, and this has been the only successful one for me! I haven't tried the ready made shakes actually, I think they are a tiny bit more expensive but probably handy from a convenience point of view. The shakes really aren't much bother making up at all, I just fill up a shaker bottle with the amount of water, put in the shake powder, chuck a bunch of ice in and shake and it's cool for me to have at my desk later on :) what's good with this diet plan is there are so many products and flavours, everyone finds their faves and own way of doing things :) what step are you starting on?

Miss greedy can u eat the rice pud in the first 2 weeks? I love rice pudding too? X
ooh i don't now about that skellybob!!! I really hope so :) Will let you know on Friday

I'm hoping to do the one where you have just 3 meals - is that SS??? I did lighter life earlier last year and found not having to think about what foods to eat each day was great - just grab a pack of food and go :) but i have noticed that CD has a lot more variety in its foods - so really looking forward to doing it. Plus its great on here that so many of CD people are about - the lighter life threads where never busy - and i find that having support from lots of different friends help - whether it be online friends or ones in the flesh!! :)

Totally agree, it's great having products to hand and not having to think about food for a while :)
My consultant coming tomorrow misss greedy so ill ask the qs and let u know and i agree my friend's are skinny i dont wanna be on a beach fat again it annoys me my friends dont have to try and be thin so i think ill get more support from here and go rice pudding! I hope we can have one ive bought lots of hebs and spices amd sweet things like cinnamon etc to add in flavour! Also there are some brillllll recipes u can do by mixing things togetger one lady even made poppadom crisps out of her packet meal ill look for the thread again and see if i can post it again! Its trial and error i guess! Not got a ice crusher yet going argos tomorrow defo for me having an ice cold milkshake will be mpre appealing as im not fan of bland food so ill ask about herbs etc to use :) and ill be on here a few times a day if you need help just shout!
Danni xx
1. Add a spoon of coffee in the tetra’s, (the ready *made shakes)and have them hot.
2. Orange flavouring is lovely in the vanilla shake and tastes a bit like lemon meringue.
3. Add berry flavouring in the chocolate shake which makes a sort of black forest gateau which is lovely
4. The porridge made as a shake with hot water makes a sort of malty drink
5. Hot chocolate mint is heaven
7. Add ice to any shake and blend to make a cool refreshing shake in the summer or a slush puppy type shake which is lovely
8. Add 2 tsp of coffee in vanilla shake to make a hot cappuccino
9. Add cinnamon to a vanilla shake – yum
11. 2tsp of coffee in a chocolate shake made with hot water = mocha
12. Vanilla shake, cold water + a sprinkle of the fruit water flavourings
13. Mango shake, cold water & orange water flavouring
14. Strawberry, cold water & berry water flavouring
15. Any chocolate varieties, vanilla, or cookie and cream with nearly boiling water
16. The vanilla shake, 2tsp coffee with cold water and lots of ice, blend makes = similar to a Frappuccino:)
17. *Add mix a mousse to any shake*to make a tasty mousse rather than a boring shake