Full Member
My thighs are a pain too! In the summer they rub together so much that I have to wear a pair of skin coloured shorts under skirts and dresses to stop getting really sore.
Afternoon! dietninja- good job on the steps you've done! I've done zilch today so far! Must start walking! My husband has a FitBit, what do you use? I'm sure these computers and phones these days have a predetermined lifespan, so that we're forced to keep replacing them - or am I being too cynical? Piece of cod loin about to go in the oven. I feel rotten today and I think it's because I only had two packs for the last two days. It is really stupid of me, but I wasn't trying to lose weight; I just had no hunger. Crazy, when I think how I would normally be cramming everything I could find into my mouth! Gonna have to set a timer or something to remind me!
Thighs aren't really a problem area for me because I put on equally all over and just look like a heifer! Bad news allneedlesIs it insured? 10,000 steps sounds amazing dietninja. If low carbing at the weekends help you stick to it during the week then that's great, I'd just be aware you might be making it harder for yourself having to go back into ketosis every week (might be why you're not feeling too good). Still, whatever works can only be a good thing! Ohhhh no Joy-full, as you know, you have to have to have all your packs! I've done that by accident in the past and it actually seemed to make me hold on to the weight
Two days won't have done any harm though, like you said, do a checklist! Sent from my iPhone using
Well done Dawn that's brilliant restraint for a night out as the wine is so tempting!
Well done Jo!!!! That's a brilliant lossyou must be so happy, that will keep you going for the rest of the weekend!!