So this is's not me, it's you...etc etc
Nah, not really, but I'm not really doing a vlcd anymore, I'm intermittently fasting with a low carb theme.
So I've decided to make it official by setting up a new diary in the fasting area... I felt SOOO bad just on packs. Horribly lacking in energy and diet obsessed I've felt so much better on 1200-1300 low carb the last 2 days, I've been exercising and doing the housework (finally!) and just much more positive.
I'd love to be at goal by Easter on a vlcd, but I don't actually need to be at goal til summer, and that's doable by a slower route.
I'm still going to use packs (I've got loads!) and I'm sort of doing what I'm doing now except my fasting days will be more spread out (at the moment I'm doing 4 at 600 cal followed by 3 at 1200ish, now I'm going to do alternate days at 600)
I totally admire those of you that can keep on with a vlcd on a long term basis, and wish huge amounts of weight loss for you!
I really hope you don't mind me lurking...I love the vibe on this thread, it's so amazing...I just feel like I'm cheating all the time at the mo when actually I'm eating so much better than I was.
Please do pop in and say hi...I'll post the link of my new diary as soon as I've set it up