No problem :) my parents bought my course on travelzoo and I think it was a special offer so it doesn't need to cost a lot.

Some of them will be for far in the future but it's good to have something to reach and save for :)

would be good to see what everyone else has on their bucket lists!!
Ok ladies....here is a pic of my list.

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I put 30 things on it on my 30th birthday! So far I have ticked off 'buy an SLR camera' which I bought from money I saved working in a butchers over Xmas. My parents bought me a photography course for my birthday and that is booked on February 7th :)

Some are really silly and some are a bit more of a stretch but I hope to do them all eventually.

wow that is brilliant, I love #30 :)
I would need to do 40 things! :eek: albeit over 5 years but I can barely think of 10!

Oh wait, hang on, can they all be holidays? ;)
A fair few of mine were holidays but I suppose they could be day trips and things like that too!? Or concerts you want to see!? I suppose you could put your target weight down there too - or how about cook one new recipe per week for a year!? That would be a good one!

At the moment I'm working on getting to £100 from savings £5 notes and then will be off for my tattoo. Hopefully it won't cost as much as that but I want to be sure I have enough without going into my current account. My friends also want to do Amsterdam as a girls weekend at Easter so if I can save enough for that as well I will be very happy!!

One that really should be on there is be credit card free!! But I'm working on that anyway lol.
Hi, would it be okay if I join? I would like to learn to drive this year and buy a car. I seem to be really bad at saving so I'm hoping I will get advice from here. The tips so far have been brilliant.
I also feel inspired to do my own bucket list. I would have to do 40!:)
Maybe there should be a bucket list thread too :)

Did one get started? I dont want to miss it
I need to get some inspiration I want to a bucket list for my 30th got a few years to complete it yet :)