Well done you - told ya - pressure off = result !!
Jedward ??? You tell me - they seem to be going further than any of us actually hoped :cry:
Fingers and toes crossed for tonight!!! Just wont seem right if yet another decent singer goes out before them again
Hi Jax
Glad you got that assignment done and posted off. Its a big ask to do the OU plus diet plus work plus family so something needed to give a little and you seem to have done well with easing off the diet for now.
Hope you keep posting its been so good to have you back
Thanx M, Dont worry I'll keep posting - you're not getting rid of me that easily
Have a good sunday !! Whats on the menu today ?
Quorn spag bol
i cant believe you had the curry again without me :'(
*well jealous*
can i push my injuries a bit further and tell a small fib that the only way i will ever get better is with a curry food parcel?


well done on managing better without the points

LOL - you know I'd post it if I thought it would be edible by the time royal mail got it to you
Had a lovely day, poodling around and doing not a lot of anything really. Bought a pair of furry slipper boots which keep my feet oasty toasty warm

A necklace to go with my royal blue dress that I'm wearing for my christmas do - just need to find royal blue ear-rings and bracelet and then that's sorted. Made delish tea for tonight (quorn spag bol) and lamb casserole for tomorrow night already to go in slow cooker as my friend's coming round to do me and girls hair straight from school tomorrow

Really dont need the child I support telling me yet again "Mrs L, you really need to get rid of the white stuff in your hair!"

The joys of going grey when working with children who speak their mind!
Did actually add up my points yesterday in the end - 21 - so only a point over which is fab. Today has been another good day:
B - Cereal (3), skimmed milk (1)
L - Oat so simple (2)
D - Homemade quorn spag bol (6.5)
So seriously under points

Seems like I've lifted the pressure a wee bit too much

but hey ho am sure I'll find something to bump them up.
Is the absolute minimum 16 points in a day??? Just I have a couple of meals out later in the week and it would be good to save more for then rather than eat for the sake of eating.
Plan for tonight - Xfactor followed by lots of OU reading. Hope everyone else is having a great weekend xxx